Where did the towers go? dr Judy Woods explains 9-11 2001 Where did the towers go? dr Judy Woods explains 9-11 2001 What happened? Lets have the video saved for Christians as the evidence, that gov …More
Where did the towers go? dr Judy Woods explains 9-11 2001
Where did the towers go? dr Judy Woods explains 9-11 2001
What happened?
Lets have the video saved for Christians as the evidence, that gov Report 9-11 is a book of lies.
my comment under
It is impossible for humans to do destruction of 9-11 2001
All 14 WTC buildungs have been destroyed, dustified as dr Judy Woods said... of course it was not fuel of planes... and 900 people jumping from windows... of course not because of fire or smoke... when you have choice of smoke inhalation or jumping for sure death... I would stay in...hopping for rescue... check building wtc7 or video of destruction of wtc 6! just search wtc6!!!! and stop saying that ...planes...that fuel... that Muslims...or as the mater of facts , we should not blame gov insiders for what happened! We can blame them for the Lies of the gov. Report 9-11 2001. We may blame them for cover up. We may blame them for destroying the crime scene and destroying evidence.. …More
The way towers were destroyed shows supernatural powers, energies were used.
supernatural objects orbiting Moon documented here
Supernatural object orbiting Moon
Size of the intelligent object orbiting Moon may be as big as 70 km
The way towers were destroyed shows supernatural powers, energies were used.
supernatural objects orbiting Moon documented here
Supernatural object orbiting MoonMore
The way towers were destroyed shows supernatural powers, energies were used.
supernatural objects orbiting Moon documented here

Supernatural object orbiting Moon
One more comment from stanislawp
This link shows the proof how news media manipulated the facts and videos used on tv
Manipulacja medialna 9-11 2001
English version plus Polish textMore
This link shows the proof how news media manipulated the facts and videos used on tv

Manipulacja medialna 9-11 2001

English version plus Polish text
What's so important about knowing the Truth about 9-11 2001?
First - it was not fuel from planes, not the explosives, not rockets...not Nukes, not the thermits..
not Egyptians, not Arabs, not Muslims...
If we agree on that we will know, that it may happen again anywhere!
Better start educating yourselves reading "Where did the towers go?" by dr Judy Woods, watching all you may find on YouTube..
What's so important about knowing the Truth about 9-11 2001?
First - it was not fuel from planes, not the explosives, not rockets...not Nukes, not the thermits..
not Egyptians, not Arabs, not Muslims...
If we agree on that we will know, that it may happen again anywhere!
Better start educating yourselves reading "Where did the towers go?" by dr Judy Woods, watching all you may find on YouTube..
Second Step
Educating yourselves what fr Malachi Martin knew about Anti-Christ,, all his prophetic predictions based on insider's knowledge of Vatican 2, about Entronement of Lucifer in the st Paul basilica in 1963
"Windswept House"
Time is right to read this now.
If we reject God no wander He does not stop the Destructions!
10 more comments from stanislawp
Is it important for us to know the Truth about 9-11 2001?
It looks like people do not care about Truth anymore!
Basically people know that Official Report 9-11 2001 is just LIES!
So what is the Truth?
Would we ever know the Truth about 9-11 2001?
I will tell you the Truth about 9-11 2001 sooner or later.
I don't want to scare you.
I don't want you to accept lies.
Government position is... they had …More
Is it important for us to know the Truth about 9-11 2001?
It looks like people do not care about Truth anymore!
Basically people know that Official Report 9-11 2001 is just LIES!
So what is the Truth?
Would we ever know the Truth about 9-11 2001?
I will tell you the Truth about 9-11 2001 sooner or later.
I don't want to scare you.
I don't want you to accept lies.
Government position is... they had to lie about 9-11 2001 because people would not be able handle the Truth.
Government started the cover -up stories as soon as they figured out what happened..
Time passes by and we see more and more evidence what happened...
It is good to start educate ourselves with this info from dr Judy Woods...
Just the first step!
There is one Catholic bishop, who knows that Gov Report 9-11 2001 is full of lies.
Only one bishop!
That bishop is Richard Williamson!
He speaks openly about 9-11 2001
Those who do the research about 9-11 2001, those who want the Truth about 9-11 2001 they lose lives very often, are harassed and prosecuted.
What times we live in?
Writing about 9-11 is not safe, unless you repeat the Gov lies!
Is …More
There is one Catholic bishop, who knows that Gov Report 9-11 2001 is full of lies.
Only one bishop!
That bishop is Richard Williamson!
He speaks openly about 9-11 2001

Those who do the research about 9-11 2001, those who want the Truth about 9-11 2001 they lose lives very often, are harassed and prosecuted.

What times we live in?

Writing about 9-11 is not safe, unless you repeat the Gov lies!

Is reading about 9-11 safe?

Williamson Bishop
Lets watch to see
1. What happened 9-11 2001
2. How it happened
3. Who did it..
more about that great woman dr Judy Woods
Legal actions
On 25 April 2007 Wood was Plaintiff/Relator in a qui tam [11] petition to The United States District Court, Southern District of New York. In the nature of the Qui tam process, she was acting on behalf of the United States of America. She named a list of 23 respondents headed by Applied Research Associates, Inc. (ARA) and Science Applications …More
more about that great woman dr Judy Woods

Legal actions

On 25 April 2007 Wood was Plaintiff/Relator in a qui tam [11] petition to The United States District Court, Southern District of New York. In the nature of the Qui tam process, she was acting on behalf of the United States of America. She named a list of 23 respondents headed by Applied Research Associates, Inc. (ARA) and Science Applications International Corp.(SAIC)[12].

The petition claimed that the respondents acted fraudulently in giving advice to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) during their investigation of the destruction of the World Trade Center towers. The Statement of Case included these words:

"Those who performed work and received payment from NIST are alleged to have engaged in scientific fraud by petitioner, Dr. Wood, a materials engineering scientist, based upon a process of fraud documented by Dr. Wood’s original source research and findings that concluded that the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center were destroyed by an unconventional energy weapon that can be directed and thus is referred to as a form of what are called “directed energy weapons” (DEW)."

"Dr. Wood has demonstrated that the Twin Towers did not burn up nor did a significant portion of them crash down; they turned to powder in mid air and fire cannot turn a quarter-mile tall building to powder in 8-10 seconds. The respondents herein knew or should have known this and they therefore engaged in actionable fraud within the meaning of the False Claims Act."

After a prolonged series of hearings, addressing the question whether Dr Wood's status was or was not an "original source", the District Court dismissed the petition on 26 June 2008. Wood filed an appeal which was denied by Judge George Daniels on 11 July 2008.

On 14 October 2009 Wood filed a petition for a writ of a certiorari (plea for judicial review) in the US Supreme Court. Briefs on behalf of two respondents were filed during December 2009. The petition was denied on 25 January 2010.[13]

Wood potentially stood to cash in big-time if her petition had succeeded, since successful qui tamrelators are normally granted 15-25% of the final settlement. In fact, in this case, since the Attorney General declined to intervene, the relator's share could have been boosted to as much as 30%. The original petition sought to recover "all available damages and other monetary relief under the common law or equitable theories of unjust enrichment, payment under mistake of fact, recoupment of overpayments and common law fraud".[14] The suit also claimed "[T]he amount of the United States' damages, multiplied as required by law, and such civil penalties as are required by law, together with all such further relief as may be just and proper".[15]
You may be shocked with dr Judy Woods research, and I would shock dr Judy with my comments and summary...
We live in special times, times of Apocalypse, time as it was before Noah...before the Great Flooding... time explained well by dr Patrick Heron...
Who is Patrick Heron?
Anyone knows his works?
He based his works on the Bible so I recommend dr Patrick Heron...
I agree with him 99%
I,ve been writing about 9-11 on my web page (in my profile) for the last 5 years.
My comment based on research (1000 hours) plus visit to Ground Zero plus involvement in stock markets, plus supernatural knowledge of miracles vs magic...
It is impossible for humans to do destruction of 9-11 2001
All 14 WTC buildungs have been destroyed, dustified as dr Judy Woods said...
of course it was not fuel of planes... and 900 people jumping from windows... of course not because of fire …More
My comment based on research (1000 hours) plus visit to Ground Zero plus involvement in stock markets, plus supernatural knowledge of miracles vs magic...

It is impossible for humans to do destruction of 9-11 2001
All 14 WTC buildungs have been destroyed, dustified as dr Judy Woods said...
of course it was not fuel of planes... and 900 people jumping from windows... of course not because of fire or smoke... when you have choice of smoke inhalation or jumping for sure death... I would stay in...hopping for rescue...
check building wtc7 or video of destruction of wtc 6! just search wtc6!!!! and stop saying that ...planes...that fuel... that Muslims...or as the mater of facts ,
we should not blame gov insiders for what happened!
We can blame them for the Lies of the gov. Report 9-11 2001.
We may blame them for cover up.
We may blame them for destroying the crime scene and destroying evidence..
Gov of US says... they have to lie about 9-11 2001 because the Truth would destroy safety of America... I don't believe such political statement!
I am for the Truth!
I am Christian and believe in Jesus, the real King of the World (worlds)
Jesus is real so is Satan, the Destroyer
read Bible Apoc 9-11 !!! chapter 9 line 11
Dr Wood's observation of the destruction of the World Trade Center on 11 September 2001 led her to the conviction that the towers did not collapse but were "dustified" by a directed energy weapon. According to her, dustification involves molecular dissociation and transmutation.
In a whole series of lectures and media appearances[1], Wood has maintained that the debris pile was nowhere near tall …More
Dr Wood's observation of the destruction of the World Trade Center on 11 September 2001 led her to the conviction that the towers did not collapse but were "dustified" by a directed energy weapon. According to her, dustification involves molecular dissociation and transmutation.

In a whole series of lectures and media appearances[1], Wood has maintained that the debris pile was nowhere near tall enough to account for the aggregate mass of the towers and their contents. Rather, she states, the towers were pulverized[2] in mid-air and simply blew away on the breeze.

On her web site, Wood presents a 41-point list of "The principal evidence that must be explained." It includes (point 9) "The upper 80 percent, approximately, of each tower was turned into fine dust and did not crash to the earth", and (point 6) "The seismic impact was minimal, far too small based on a comparison with the Kingdome controlled demolition."[3]

She consistently declines to speculate about the exact nature of the weapon involved[4], where it was situated or who operated it. Her position is that, as a scientist, her role is to determine what happened that day. Others might or might not address those more political questions.

In 2010 her 544-page book Where Did the Towers Go? Evidence of Directed Free-energy Technology on 9/11 was published by "The New Investigation."[5][6][7]

On 10 January 2007, at the National Press Club, Dr Wood agreed to be interviewed on video by Dr Greg Jenkins, a physicist who was unconvinced by Dr Wood's theory of dustification. Opinion is sharply bilateral -- some analysts have claimed a triumph for Greg Jenkins[8], others the reverse[9][10].
Judy Wood Ph.D. is a materials scientist and former assistant professor of mechanical engineering. She earned her doctorate in materials engineering science from the Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blacksburg, Virginia, in 1992. Her dissertation was on the topic of thermal stresses in bimaterial joints.
From 1996-9 she was …More
Judy Wood Ph.D. is a materials scientist and former assistant professor of mechanical engineering. She earned her doctorate in materials engineering science from the Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blacksburg, Virginia, in 1992. Her dissertation was on the topic of thermal stresses in bimaterial joints.

From 1996-9 she was a postdoctoral research associate in the Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics at Virginia Tech.

From 1999 to 2006 she taught mechanical engineering at Clemson University in Clemson, South Carolina.

Since 2006 she has been an independent researcher, lecturer and author.
Where did the New York towers go? and all 14 WTC buildings? 9-11 2001
Truth will make You free!