Definition of "people dying of covid" Dr Ezike clarifies the term 'people dying of covid'. In other words most people are dying of clear alternate causes being systematically diagnosed to die only of …More
Definition of "people dying of covid"

Dr Ezike clarifies the term 'people dying of covid'. In other words most people are dying of clear alternate causes being systematically diagnosed to die only of covid to uphold to uphold the false 'pandemic'.
Time to awaken! After greatest crime committed by post-modern men which is the integral rejection and dethronement of Christ the King in societies, this plandemic hoax is the beginning of greatest self-deception of all time with probability to complete total enslavement.
Miles - Christi - English and one more user link to this post
Alex A
An old post, never-the-less, good to be reminded of the 'exact science' behind the official morbidity numbers.
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