Formal correction of cardinals needed : understanding of salvation same at Novus Ordo Mass as St.Paul's Greek Mass

The Novus Ordo Mass can be offered and attended with everyone affirming 1) invisible for us ,in 2017, baptism of desire(BOD) not being a visible exception to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) and 2) invisible for us Lumen Gentium 16, Lumen Gentium 8, Unitatis Redintigratio 3 etc in Vatican Council II not being a visible exception to EENS and the necessity for all to be members of the Catholic Church for salvation.So there is no change in the understanding of exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church since the time of St. Paul's Holy Mass in Greek, when he told the Colossians not to partake of the Body and Blood of Jesus unworthly, since it would bring condemnation upon them.
So there needs to be a formal correction of Cardinal Raymond Burke and the other cardinals who affirm 1) invisible for us in 2017, BOD and invincible ignorance(I.I), being visible exceptions to the dogma EENS as it was known in the Early Church and the missionaries in the 16th century.Also for the cardinals invisible for us LG 16, LG 8, UR 3, NA 2 etc are visible exceptions to the dogma EENS and so Vatican Council II is a break with Tradition.They will not affirm Feeneyite Vatican Council II and EENS.Their reasoning, premises and conclusions, are irrational and false.We know people in Heaven are not visible on earth, invisible people are not visible. This is a violation of the Principle of Non Contradiction by the popes from Pius XII to Francis.
Now every one who attends Holy Mass in English, Italian and the other languages can affirm the strict interpretation of the dogma EENS.Since BOD, BOB and I.I do not refer to visible people saved outside the Church.Every one can affirm Vatican Council II in harmony with EENS as it was known to the magisterium guided by the Holy Spirit at the time of St. Paul.There is no 'development' with Vatican Council II when LG 16 etc refer to unknown people in our present reality.
So mission can be conducted today with the past ecclesiology; the old understanding of exlusive salvation in the Catholic Church and the need for all, with no exception, to be members,with faith and baptism, to avoid the fires of Hell.-Lionel Andrades