MAY 25 - SAINT BEDE THE VENERABLE breski1 Venerable Bede Father of English History Memorial 25 May formerly 27 May Profile Born around the time England was finally completely Christianized, Bede was …More
Venerable Bede
Father of English History
25 May
formerly 27 May
Profile Born around the time England was finally completely Christianized, Bede was raised from age seven in the abbey of Saints Peter and Paul at Wearmouth-Jarrow, and lived there the rest of his life. Benedictine monk. Spiritual student of the founder, Saint Benedict Biscop. Ordained a priest in 702 by Saint John of Beverley. Bede was considered the most learned man of his day. He worked as both teacher and author, writing about history, rhetoric, mathematics, music, astronomy, poetry, grammar, philosophy, hagiography, homiletics, and Bible commentary. His writings began the tradition of dating this era from the incarnation of Christ. The central theme of Bede’s Historia Ecclesiastica is of the Church using the power of its spiritual, doctrinal, and cultural unity to stamp out violence and barbarism. Our knowledge of England before the 8th centuryMore