Gloria.TV News
Gloria.TV News on the 17th of June 2014 An Arrest: Phoenix police has confirmed that an arrest has been made in the killing of 28-year-old Fr Kenneth Walker of the Society of Saint Peter. The suspect …More
Gloria.TV News on the 17th of June 2014

An Arrest: Phoenix police has confirmed that an arrest has been made in the killing of 28-year-old Fr Kenneth Walker of the Society of Saint Peter. The suspect was not identified. Father Walker was found shot multiple times in the rectory at Mother of Mercy Mission Catholic Church in south Phoenix on Wednesday.

Unbeliever Leads Church: On Sunday, the Swedish Lutheran Church installed German born Antje Jackelén as its new leader. Jackelén was dressed as an archbishop. She believes in the evolution-myth and dismisses the Virgin birth as a – quote – mythological term. From 2001 until 2007 she was some kind of professor in Chicago.

Marginalized Christians: The Obama administration does not care about the persecution of Christians according to Paul Marshall, a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute. Marshall points out that the position of U.S. ambassador-at-large for religious freedom is vacant, as it has been for over half of President Obama's tenure. Quote: “Even when the position has been filled, in the last decade it has usually been marginalized.”

Happy Gypsies: Marshall gives two examples for his thesis. After Egyptian military killed 25 Copts in 2011, the White House lamented the "tragic loss of life among demonstrators and security forces" and called for "restraint on all sides." In other words: Obama asked the army to refrain from killing Christians, and the Christians to refrain from dying. When Boko Haram on Easter morning 2012 killed 39 Nigerian Catholics Obama had nothing to say. Instead, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton issued a press release demanding that Europe become more inclusive of the gypsies.