Shroud of Turin Used to Create 3D Copy of Jesus. In early 2018, Researchers in Rome unveiled a 3-D carbon copy of what Jesus looked like, based on the measurements of the Shroud of Turin. The statue …More
Shroud of Turin Used to Create 3D Copy of Jesus.

In early 2018, Researchers in Rome unveiled a 3-D carbon copy of what Jesus looked like, based on the measurements of the Shroud of Turin.

The statue is the three-dimensional representation, in actual size, of the Man of the Shroud, created following the precise measurements taken from the cloth.

Based off the model they are able to tell, he was nearly 5 ft. 11 inches tall, whereas the average height at the time was around 5 ft. 5 inches.

Researchers believe that they finally have the precise image of what Jesus looked like, and based on the marks on the Shroud of Turin, Jesus received “a total of at least 600 blows.” The sculpture of his tortured body reflects these wounds.

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Source Links


► 3D Bronze Jesus Cast from Shroud video - youtube.com/watch?v=QSQKbawWS_E


► Wonder World Twitter - twitter.com/wonderworld_ytc

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@tbswv Please post either the source you're quoting or your own credentials as an authority in the relevant fields of study, because one of the best experts in the world hasn't reached such a conclusion even through far more extensive study. Incidentally, torture and scourging were commonplace before crucifixion. The human body can take a phenomenal amount of abuse and still survive long enough to …More
@tbswv Please post either the source you're quoting or your own credentials as an authority in the relevant fields of study, because one of the best experts in the world hasn't reached such a conclusion even through far more extensive study. Incidentally, torture and scourging were commonplace before crucifixion. The human body can take a phenomenal amount of abuse and still survive long enough to be crucified. The historian Josephus gives clear evidence of this as an eye-witness.
@Ultraviolet - i rely on scientists to make these claims pls refer to the following link:
if you would like to refute them be my quest
I don't have to refute the claims @tbswv. All I need do is read them and carefully. ;-) "I counted 370 wounds from the flagellation... We can, therefore, hypothesize a total of at least 600 blows,"
So he counted one number and then "guessed" the second. You, then, repeated the second "guess" as though it were a fact. This isn't the first time I've seen something like this happen when people …More
I don't have to refute the claims @tbswv. All I need do is read them and carefully. ;-) "I counted 370 wounds from the flagellation... We can, therefore, hypothesize a total of at least 600 blows,"

So he counted one number and then "guessed" the second. You, then, repeated the second "guess" as though it were a fact. This isn't the first time I've seen something like this happen when people reference published data. This is why I asked for either your credentials or your source.

What the good doctor is failing to mention is that scientists have already established that each of the two Roman flagra used to scourge Jesus had three strands with two lead beads or each strand. Here's a Shroud-accurate reconstruction from the excellent Shroud Of Turin blog.

So then... each lash would produce six wounds. Using your source's figure of 370, divided by 6, results in 61.67 lashes which rounds up to 62.

This ties in surprisingly close to the Biblical number of "40" when one remembers there were two scourgers. If the Romans counted a full lash as full coverage on both left and right sides of the back that tallies to 31 "full" Roman lashes..

Whatever the exact number of lashes Jesus was scheduled to recieve, the Romans likely stopped before the full sentence was carried out. This explains an odd-ball number like "62" or "31".(as opposed to 70 or 40) The Romans didn't want to kill Jesus at the whipping post. He had to survive long enough to be marched out to Golgotha and then crucified.

As for your original claim "No average man could tolerate 600 blows without dying of shock, or bleeding to death."

So sorry, your source said absolutely nothing how much abuse an average man can or can not take before it kills him and also nothing supporting your claim that Jesus somehow withstood an exceptional amount beyond regular human limits. Again, this is why I insisted on corroborating data.
No average man could tolerate 600 blows without dying of shock, or bleeding to death.
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Leider nicht auf deutsch.
Sonia Chrisye
Das ist allesganz schlimm, ganz furchtbar.