
Pandemic Agenda: WHO Treaty on Vaccines

Pandemic Agenda: The World Health Organization (WHO) is pushing a worldwide treaty to impose pandemic vaccines (Monkey Pox is next) in connection with population surveillance:
WHO Director-General's remarks at the 4th Meeting of Global Leaders Group on AMR – 16 March 2022

Said treaty would establish a world council of 34 delegates (ambassadors) from different countries to impose vaccines on the world. The council would OVERRIDE each country's constitutional protections.

The U.S. Constitution authorizes only the president himself to sign international treaties which then need to be ratified by Congress. Of course, Obama sent little tsars to sign treaties for him which were never ratified by Congress (e.g., small arms treaty). Traitor, usurper Biden would do no less.

So, One World Order, World Health Organization, One World Religion (Freemason-like), One World Currency, then One World Ruler (i.e., the anti-Christ/Satan). See the signs of the times?

Why are Catholics not praying the daily Rosary and fasting/doing penance? We determine how bad things get, how much God allows.
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