Pray for her conversion. She reminds me a bit of (a Muslim version) of my sister.
Maria delos Angeles
Thanks guys - for praying for this young lady, as I and my mum did last night..; she just released a video saying she is now an ex-Muslim.
Thanks for threatening me.. I'm now an ex-Muslim 👍
Its all due to your prayers!!!
Revolution that's coming will be like Rwanda slaughter on steroids when ever one goes broke 🥶
Maria delos Angeles
Julie Marie Jahenny did say Islamo-communism would break out in UK. But we must pray for and enlighten our Muslim 'brothers and sisters' that they will receive graces of conversion.
Ivan Tomas
There are no British values any more.
When true Catholicism is gone all other values become changeable. And in the end they become vices.
Somebody should explain that to her.
Maria delos Angeles
True. I was just listening Ann Barnhardt today talking about the spirit of incommunication. The truth of that. Just tell them. Many things could I say to her. I will spiritually sponsor a Muslim today.
chris griffin
@Maria delos Angeles.... have you ever heard her talk about abortion?
Maria delos Angeles
Kinda, Chris, although I would not say it is her most oft-spoken of topic.
chris griffin
@Maria delos Angeles... thanks but I looked thru her posting history and found zero, absolutely no articles about abortion. She claims to be a faithful Catholic but that is impossible since she has purposely ignored abortion during many articles in 10 years. She is a well-spoken phony Catholic who does not love the unborn. Don't be fooled by her zero concern for baby murder.
Maria delos Angeles
While I appreciate you notice this particular aspect of fundamental importance to the Faith, seemingly absent in large part from Ann's apostolate, I do not speak for her, but different Catholics are called to focus more or less on different areas - and there are other people and obvious outfits like Lifesite focussing on the Life aspect. OK Chris, but have you listened to her podcasts? there have …More
While I appreciate you notice this particular aspect of fundamental importance to the Faith, seemingly absent in large part from Ann's apostolate, I do not speak for her, but different Catholics are called to focus more or less on different areas - and there are other people and obvious outfits like Lifesite focussing on the Life aspect. OK Chris, but have you listened to her podcasts? there have been 206 to date I think, of which all sorts of issues are covered. Literally everything. If you are deeply thoroughly Catholic though by definition you cannot be without concern for the unborn. Blessings,