Good Friday: A day of universal solidarity with the Church in Jerusalem Message from Br. Francesco Patton - Custos of the Holy Land "Dear friends, May the Lord give you His peace! After experiencing …More
Good Friday: A day of universal solidarity with the Church in Jerusalem
Message from Br. Francesco Patton - Custos of the Holy Land "Dear friends, May the Lord give you His peace! After experiencing more than two years of uncertainty due to Covid and deluding ourselves that normality had returned, suddenly on the 7th October we were taken by surprise by the outbreak of a new war in the Holy Land, which, in addition to causing thousands of deaths, once again blocked the flow of pilgrims, prevented our children from attending school for long periods and left many of our Christians in the Holy Land unemployed, especially in Bethlehem and Palestine, but also in the Old City of Jerusalem and in Israel. In this situation we feel the need for the closeness and solidarity of Christians throughout the world. First of all, through prayer, because we are convinced that only the action of God's grace can change hearts and turn them to dialogue, reconciliation and peace. Then solidarity and closeness through pilgrimage. Finally, closeness and solidarity also through the sharing of economic resources." fr. Francesco Patton, ofm Custos of the Holy Land