Catholic bishops push abortions. Scandal of the american bishops. From www.realcatholictv.comMore
Catholic bishops push abortions.
Scandal of the american bishops.
From www.realcatholictv.com
Libor Halik shares this
Pro-Life of unborn babies.
Against the killing of unborn babies.More
Pro-Life of unborn babies.

Against the killing of unborn babies.
Deo gratia, joyaux de la haute technologie destinés aux loisirs, iPhone 70-646 exam et iPod Tactile deviennent des instruments de prière et de méditation grâce au iBreviary, une application conçue par un curé du diocèse de Tortone, le Père Paolo Padrini.En appuyant simplement sur la touche écran de iPhone ou de iPod, Tactile, jai lapplication qui mindique tout de suite la journée courante et …More
Deo gratia, joyaux de la haute technologie destinés aux loisirs, iPhone 70-646 exam et iPod Tactile deviennent des instruments de prière et de méditation grâce au iBreviary, une application conçue par un curé du diocèse de Tortone, le Père Paolo Padrini.En appuyant simplement sur la touche écran de iPhone ou de iPod, Tactile, jai lapplication qui mindique tout de suite la journée courante et je peux ainsi immédiatement prier par le Bréviaire catholique divisé en: Office des lectures, Laudes, Office du milieu du jour, Vêpres et Complies. En plus de cela, en lisant le texte aussi bien dans sa forme ordinaire que sur lécran panoramique qui est une caractéristique de iPhone, je peux feuilleter les pages du Missel, avec les lectures du jour et, bien sûr, les exam 70-642 principales prières catholiques».LiBreviary est actuellement disponible en 6 langues dont litalien-en rite romain et ambrosien- langlais, le latin, le français et lespagnol.Cet instrument fait de ce téléphone un espace et un temps de prière. Trop souvent nous concevons la prière comme un acte momentané: je commence à lire un texte et je termine de lire un texte itil training La prière nest alors quune simple lecture. Or, la prière est un temps pendant lequel je suis en relation avec Dieu. Donc, cet instrument qui ne me fournit pas un texte mais me fait accomplir une action qui est laction de la prière, devient une sorte de parenthèse dans mes activités quotidiennes».Voilà quun instrument destiné au jeu, un instrument qui fait entrer rapidement en contact, un instrument superficiel, devient une sorte de tunnel qui nous conduit vers les profondeurs de la prière, les profondeurs du rapport entre lhomme et Dieu».exam 70-640
Miles+Christi shares this
l'apres vatican 2 !More

l'apres vatican 2 !
encore un scandale! 😡
rhemes1582: I shant continue to argue deconstructively with you. However, no one is attacking anyone here - get a grip on your emotions dear man! One is just asking objective and logical questions of enquiry. 🧐
rhemes1582: Did I write that Mr Voris is a liar? Of course NOT. Please keep to what is actually said, as opposed to what you think is said; no putting words in my mouth please - I have my own thank you very much!
Your arguments still have little force, because one does not make such serious statements as Mr Voris without corroborating evidence. That's not how the world works (at least the adult …More
rhemes1582: Did I write that Mr Voris is a liar? Of course NOT. Please keep to what is actually said, as opposed to what you think is said; no putting words in my mouth please - I have my own thank you very much!

Your arguments still have little force, because one does not make such serious statements as Mr Voris without corroborating evidence. That's not how the world works (at least the adult world!).
One more comment from ACLumsden
fathersofmercy: That is not my responsibility to do the sourcing; it is that of Mr Voris to give the evidence- tis his 'research'! Like Reesorville, I think that only with reliable evidence can one 'jump to conclusions' like those of Mr Voris. But, Mr Voris never gives any evidence..... 🤨
ACLumsden,Google the organizations he mentions, you'll find out in minutes. Maybe that's what the Bishops should do?
ACLumsden,Google the organizations he mentions, you'll find out in minutes. Maybe that's what the Bishops should do?

The American bishops are not necessarily aware of this, if it is happening. We should not jump to conclusions about their guilt. It may be the case that these organizations solicit money from the bishops' conference without revealing up-front their whole mandate.
God Bless,More
The American bishops are not necessarily aware of this, if it is happening. We should not jump to conclusions about their guilt. It may be the case that these organizations solicit money from the bishops' conference without revealing up-front their whole mandate.

God Bless,
Scandalous indeed!!! However, yet again, I ask: What are his sources? Where are these sources? Where can one read this in official documents for oneself!?
Here we go again, Mr Voris SAYS that money is "going to fund anticatholic groups" from the USCCB, but he never states from whence he gets his information! Nor does he give any references.....
Without solid evidence, this video remains just …More
Scandalous indeed!!! However, yet again, I ask: What are his sources? Where are these sources? Where can one read this in official documents for oneself!?

Here we go again, Mr Voris SAYS that money is "going to fund anticatholic groups" from the USCCB, but he never states from whence he gets his information! Nor does he give any references.....

Without solid evidence, this video remains just propaganda and provocative reporting! 🤫 Provide the evidence and I shall take it on board.... 😇