US Marine Corps Officer Scott Ritter Reveals TRUTH About Israel War Scott Ritter is a former United Nations Weapons Inspector and US Marine Corps Intelligence Officer with extensive knowledge of Israel War. …More
US Marine Corps Officer Scott Ritter Reveals TRUTH About Israel War

Scott Ritter is a former United Nations Weapons Inspector and US Marine Corps Intelligence Officer with extensive knowledge of Israel War.

Today we explore the problems with the Israel Hamas War and share insights into how it could end soon.

Alex A
What on earth is going through Scott Ritter's mind? " Israel got beat on October 7th" Is that his sole description of the Hamas massacre of over a thousand innocent civilians? A phrase he repeated, ad nauseam. No mention of children being beheaded, burnt in their homes, killed in front of their parents, or vice versa. Where was his outrage over such atrocities committed under the so-called banner …More
What on earth is going through Scott Ritter's mind? " Israel got beat on October 7th" Is that his sole description of the Hamas massacre of over a thousand innocent civilians? A phrase he repeated, ad nauseam. No mention of children being beheaded, burnt in their homes, killed in front of their parents, or vice versa. Where was his outrage over such atrocities committed under the so-called banner of freedom-fighters. Where? And what of the 'Metro' of tunnels built by Hamas and funded with monies meant for the betterment of the Palestinian people? Not a mention. Sadly, my estimation of Scott's prowess as a military expert has taken a nose-dive. Let's get real people. We are looking at a spiritual war. It is as ugly as the devil himself, the only question, now that the horror of such a war is upon us, is which side do you want to be on? Seemingly, would be Gloria TV Catholics are choosing to side with Satan, for clearly anti-Semitism is alive and well, which, in the final analysis, places one against God himself. Wasn't his Son, Jesus Christ, a Jew? And what of his earthly Mother, Our Blessed Lady, and her spouse, Saint Joseph, were they, too, not Jews? Not forgetting the biblical prophecies relating to the return of the Jews to their ancestral homeland and the rising up of nations against her. Need the point be emphasised more? This site continuously promotes false prophesies, which originate from some obscure mystic or groups of children, yet pays little heed to biblical prophecy, which are in essence, the Word of God. Face reality my fellow catholic, war is upon us, we are in a spiritual battle and the devil has chosen his earthly legions. Let us put aside our personal biases and armour ourselves in the service of God and his legions of upright men.
It takes courage to criticize Israel so kudos to him
Alex A
Does It really? Well I never. Does it also take courage to sever heads of infants as well as adult? Burning of children alive? Need I go on?
Thank you Scott Ritter getting the truth out there.