Saint Landericus of Paris - June 10 Butler’s Lives of the Saints – Saint Landry, Bishop of Paris, Confessor Article [In Latin Landericus.] He succeeded Audobert in that see, in the reign of Clovis II …More
Saint Landericus of Paris - June 10
Butler’s Lives of the Saints – Saint Landry, Bishop of Paris, Confessor
[In Latin Landericus.] He succeeded Audobert in that see, in the reign of Clovis II. about the year 650. In a great famine he distributed among the poor all his own little furniture, and melted down for their use the sacred vessels of the church. From the first foundation of ecclesiastical revenues under the Christian emperors, it was a customary law for every bishop to erect and maintain a general hospital, which was usually situated near the cathedral. Thus the ancient Lateran hospital stands near the basilic of that name in Rome, and Saint Landry is said to have first founded in this manner the Hotel-Dieu in Paris, near his cathedral, the church of our Lady, upon the spot where the palace of Erchinoald, mayor of the palace, before stood. That hospital is served by one hundred nuns, and fifty novices of the Order of Hospitalers, following the rule of Saint Austin. They …More
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Saint Landericus of Paris - June 10
Our Lady of the Grotto

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Our Lady of the Grotto

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