Gloria.TV News on the 28th of January 2016 Twice: Bishop Bernard Fellay, the Superior general of the Society of Saint Pius X has held a press conference during the March for Life in Washington. He …More
Gloria.TV News on the 28th of January 2016

Twice: Bishop Bernard Fellay, the Superior general of the Society of Saint Pius X has held a press conference during the March for Life in Washington. He recounted that when the pope was archbishop in Buenos Aires, a priest of the Society gave him a biography of archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, the founder of the FSSPX. The later pope read the book twice. Fellay comments: “He would not have done this, had he not interested in the subject.”

Sanctions Lifted: During the same conference, Bishop Fellay said that the jurisdiction for hearing confession, which the priests of his Society received from Pope Francis implies with necessity that all the other sanctions against the FSSPX priests are also removed. Quote: “The sanctions and the permission to hear confessions cannot go together. This would be absurd.”

Not Religious: On January 19, Fr Longenecker published on his blog twelve reasons why progressive Christianity will die out. The first and most important reason is – quote-, “Modernists deny supernaturalism and therefore they are not really religious.”

Stop Anti-Catholicism: In December 2011, Katrina Pierson who is now Donald Trump’s spokeswoman, sent the following tweet: “Just saw a commercial from Catholic Church stating that Catholic Church was started by Jesus. I bet they believe that too.” Catholic League’s Bill Donohue comments: “No one makes a comment like this without harboring an animus against Catholicism.” And: “Pierson needs to apologize to Catholics. We would also like to hear assurances from Donald Trump that he will not tolerate anti-Catholicism in his campaign.”
@Uncle Joe: I remember the confrontation Donohue had with Voris from Church Militant. You seem to repeat Voris' position. When I saw the to fighting I thought to myself: They deserve each other...
Uncle Joe
Bill Donahue is an obese, obnoxious, establishment lapdog who must scream anti-Catholicism every chance he gets in order to justify his outrageous salary.
Donahue is the head of a non-profit with $35 million in assets, and is personally paid a handsome salary of nearly $500,000 per year, according to latest records, with compensation of $417,500 plus "other compensation" of $57,376. His company …More
Bill Donahue is an obese, obnoxious, establishment lapdog who must scream anti-Catholicism every chance he gets in order to justify his outrageous salary.
Donahue is the head of a non-profit with $35 million in assets, and is personally paid a handsome salary of nearly $500,000 per year, according to latest records, with compensation of $417,500 plus "other compensation" of $57,376. His company describes its mission as working "to safeguard both the religious freedom rights and the free speech rights of Catholics whenever and wherever they are threatened." In Billy's mind, those “free speech rights” do not apply to Katrina Pierson.
In 2011, Katrina Pierson was not part of the Trump campaign simply because there was NO trump campaign in 2011. Trump could not have known nor sanction what she allegedly "tweeted". Of course, this doesn't matter to chubby Billy. In order to get headlines for himself, Donahue sees an opportunity to bash the GOP frontrunner and, like flies to dung, he rushes to it.

Bill Donahue: The Establishment Lapdog
Quas Primas
Widać, że Bractwo Kapłańskie Świętego Piusa X JEST dla wielu solą w oku....
During the same conference, Bishop Fellay said that the jurisdiction for hearing confession, which the priests of his Society received from Pope Francis implies with necessity that all the other sanctions against the FSSPX priests are also removed. Quote: “The sanctions and the permission to hear confessions cannot go together. This would be absurd.
__________________________________________________ …More
During the same conference, Bishop Fellay said that the jurisdiction for hearing confession, which the priests of his Society received from Pope Francis implies with necessity that all the other sanctions against the FSSPX priests are also removed. Quote: “The sanctions and the permission to hear confessions cannot go together. This would be absurd.
Zdaje się,że ktoś tu nadinterpretuje zgodę Franciszka na możliwość korzystania ze spowiedzi u kapłanów FSSPX wyłącznie na czas Jubileuszu Miłosierdzia. Redakcja coraz jawniej odsłania swoje poglądy.
Fiel A Cristo