Thank You, World!

I created my blog on the 16th of this month. Since then, I have received visits from people from 16 countries: 1. I thank and welcome my English-speaking visitors from the #USA , #UnitedKingdom , …More
I created my blog on the 16th of this month. Since then, I have received visits from people from 16 countries:
1. I thank and welcome my English-speaking visitors from the #USA , #UnitedKingdom , #Ireland, #Australia, #Canada and #NewZealand . You can count on my prayer.
2. Pour mes amis canadiens français : Merci ! Vous pouvez compter sur mes prières. #Canada
3.Aos meus visitantes brasileiros: muito obrigado! Estarei rezando por vocês. #Brasil #Brazil #CatholicTwitter
4.A mis visitantes latinoamericanos de Argentina y Ecuador ¡Muchas gracias! ¡Que la Virgen de Guadalupe interceda por vosotros! #Argentina#Ecuador#Virgendeguadalupe#católicos
5.An meine Besucher aus Deutschland. Herzlich willkommen! Ich werde für dich beten!#Deutschland#katholisch#Germany
6.Do polskich przyjaciół: Dziękuję za odwiedziny! Modlę się za twój kraj! #Polska
7.Моим русским гостям: Добро пожаловать и спасибо. Я буду молиться за вашу страну.#Россия#католическаяцерковь#CatholicTwitter پاکستانی دوستوں کے …More
Cor Jesu Sacratissimum
Thank you! You can count on my prayers!
Ave Post
Nice work! Your blog is very good.