'Latin mass excluded most people who could not speak Latin from an understanding of the very system of thought that bound them' Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has made these previous comments which …More
'Latin mass excluded most people who could not speak Latin from an understanding of the very system of thought that bound them' Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has made these previous comments which criticised the Latin Mass
Another example of the accursed "turn to the subject" of modernism - people thinking the Mass is all about THEM. It's a prayer addressed to GOD first and foremost! It's about ultimate reality not our petty preferences.
Edie Loughmiller
It's never too late to learn another language. Latin used to be taught in American public schools, and much of the vocab is similar to English and Spanish. And, to help us along, the Missal gives us a good parallel translation.
I hear you. I was in middle school in the 60s and I vividly remember being excited about getting to learn Latin the next year. I even recall helping one of the teachers shelve Wheelock's Latin Grammar the last day of school knowing I'd be taking the class in the fall. Over the summer, the school board canceled the course and replaced it with something stupid like "creative writing" where students …More
I hear you. I was in middle school in the 60s and I vividly remember being excited about getting to learn Latin the next year. I even recall helping one of the teachers shelve Wheelock's Latin Grammar the last day of school knowing I'd be taking the class in the fall. Over the summer, the school board canceled the course and replaced it with something stupid like "creative writing" where students wrote plays & skits. 🥺 😲
All Saints
We don’t need to speak Latin, you dolt. You don’t need to know the language you need to know the Mass.
Erzherzog Eugen
was soll uns das jetzt sagen