CONSPIRACIES HAVE ALWAYS EXISTED - Since it is vitally important for conspirators not to be discovered in order to achieve their goals, they do everything in their power to discredit those who seek to …More
CONSPIRACIES HAVE ALWAYS EXISTED - Since it is vitally important for conspirators not to be discovered in order to achieve their goals, they do everything in their power to discredit those who seek to unmask them. For that purpose they coin disqualifying epithets -conspiracyist, plotter, denier, etc- that their paid scribes -fact checkers as well as the mass media subsidized by the system- deal with to fool those who refuse to bite the bait of the official story and try to expose its inconsistencies and contradictions. The "plandemic" conspiracy that we suffer is not an isolated or novel event, it only stands out for being the last one in progress and, unquestionably, for being the largest in the history of mankind. But the "conspiracies" have countless historical precedents, such as, for example, the false flag attack of 9/11, which made possible the successive wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. There is much to read about it - you will find valuable material by displaying the following post: …More
Miles - Christi - English and one more user link to this post
Ludovic Denim
Cette info n'a pas pu être diffusé sur GTV mais c'est bien réel et non un complot que 40% des gens vaccinés en Israël sont contaminées par le coronavirus !!
Ils sont utilisés comme des cobayes.More

Cette info n'a pas pu être diffusé sur GTV mais c'est bien réel et non un complot que 40% des gens vaccinés en Israël sont contaminées par le coronavirus !!

Ils sont utilisés comme des cobayes.