Pope Francis' 60 Minutes interview is a classic exercise in Modernist deception - LifeSite

VATICAN CITY (LifeSiteNews) — Pope Francis’ recent interview on CBS’ In a now fully released CBS which was …
la verdad prevalece
In Argentina, the apostate Jorge Mario Bergoglio also shamelessly defied God's laws and contradicted the teachings of the Church. But the day will come when he has to face divine Justice and will no longer mock God.
Abbé Jean-Marie du Divin Coeur de Jésus
The old goat thinks he is a god now that he has been elected and he thinks that he has all the answers to all the world's political issues. He knows nothing about the Catholic faith, nor is he qualified to speak on any of the political issues on which is mouth goes blah blah all the time.
Catholics are tired of listening to his lies, heresies, foolishness, sinful ways, etc...