Neo-Catholic Sour Grapes

Photo ~ The Second Vatican Catastrophe

Neo-Catholic Sour Grapes
Posted 1/31/09

The Society deserves the firm support of every Roman Catholic who is serious about a restoration of the Church.

And the Pope clearly expects the Society to have its place alongside all the other traditional societies working in the vineyard for that restoration. As the respected “mainstream” Catholic commentator Gerald Warner wrote days ago:

Benedict XVI grows in stature as his reign progresses. To the momentous achievement of the motu proprio Summorum Pontificum, freeing the Tridentine Mass, he has now added the sagacious and just lifting of the excommunications imposed on the four bishops of the Society of St Pius X. Although there was widespread scepticism about the validity of those censures, their lifting removes a roadblock to the restoration of the Church after the damage wrought by the Second Vatican Catastrophe.[2]

The Second Vatican Catastrophe indeed.

It is long past time for all Catholics of good will to acknowledge the evidence of their senses and admit a catastrophe when they see one.

Anyone who still uses the word “renewal” to describe the post-conciliar epoch is either delusional or a liar.

We can be sure that Pope Benedict has lifted the excommunications in part because he knows that the Society is needed to attend to the victims of the worst disaster in Church history.
