Does It Really Matter?

Photo ~ Padre Pio receiving communion on the tongue

Does It Really Matter?
The Traditional vs. Novus Way of Receiving Our Lord

Sadly, it is quite common today in Catholic circles to hear that the manner in which one receives the Body and Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ matters little.

Apparently whatever posture one chooses is perfectly acceptable. After all, they will tell you, the mere method of reception bears no deep meaning nor does it send any message to others regarding one’s belief towards the One received.

To the contrary, it is a completely “inconsequential” and “arbitrary” act; a simple physical maneuver used to transport the Host from the hands of the priest (or Eucharistic Minister) into one’s mouth. If this is true, then indeed it matters little whether one receives the sacred Host in one’s hands, on the tongue, standing, kneeling, or even sitting.

But is this true?

Is the method of receiving Holy Communion no more important than how one moves potato chips from a bowl to one’s mouth?

To the contrary, the manner of receiving Our Lord is in no way arbitrary or insignificant.

The Traditional mind understands that actions in the Mass have meaning and significance no matter how seemingly unimportant.

The ancient practice of kneeling to receive Our Lord carries within it a deep sign of respect and reverence, reminding us, and those around us, that we are truly unworthy to receive such a gift.
