
An Angry Climate Ideologue?

Mario Grifone on Laudate Dominum Oligarchos (AldoMariaValli.it, 7 October 2023)

"If one were to read the exhortation without knowing its author, one might think it was an article by an angry ecologist, full of platitudes and various invectives against the evil Western man, who is responsible for all environmental damage and even causes hydrogeological catastrophes."

Picture: © Mazur/cbcew.org.uk, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsQkqwabvpkv

Hound of Heaven
When a Christ-centered faith is reconfigured as a nature-centered religion, the ersatz leader has strayed into the realm of ideologues and zealots, and has departed from the Way.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Last year, I was reading so many reports that said "Francis is gravely ill" or "Francis is at the end of his papacy".
Well, here we are nearly at the end of 2023 and he's still going strong...the same homo loving apostate heretic and even worse. All the talk of him being so sick was apparently gossip.😫
Tony M
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Jorge is playing us continually. He probably wrote up those reports himself, sent them out to confuse us & keep us focused on what is not happening, whilst he gets on with destroying the Church without us noticing.....its called 'smoke & mirrors'!!!
Got a feeling he may be a master at it!!!