"The alternative identity he posits is actually a variety of identities: there are those males and females made by God for the purpose of engaging in homosexual sodomy (lesbians and gays); there are those made by God for the purpose of engaging in both marital relations and homosexual sodomy (bisexuals); and there are those made by God to rebel against their natural condition of being male or female …More
"The alternative identity he posits is actually a variety of identities: there are those males and females made by God for the purpose of engaging in homosexual sodomy (lesbians and gays); there are those made by God for the purpose of engaging in both marital relations and homosexual sodomy (bisexuals); and there are those made by God to rebel against their natural condition of being male or female in order to re-classify and present themselves, through various bodily mutilations, as being the opposite of what, in fact, they are: this is the category of men who insist they are women and women who insist they are men (transsexuals)."

James Martin S.J. Strikes Again

Fr. James Martin, S.J. has been in the news again this past week, after several bishops from the American Southwest reported that, during their ad limina visit, Pope …
@Thors Catholic Hammer Lay off the Copy-Pasta, Crackers. You posted the same thing here: And the same text block on every post.
Thors Catholic Hammer
Great friend of Antipope Francis provides constant public platforms in the Vatican for pro abortion pro contraception population control globalists
like Jeffrey Sachs and Bernie Sanders
These people are intrinsic enemies of the human race itself.
What does this make “francis” and martin..?
Novella Nurney
Not to oppose error is to approve it; and not to defend truth is to suppress it; and indeed to neglect to confound evil men, when we can do it, is no less a sin than to encourage them.” — Pope St. Felix III, as kindly posted by Irapuato,
Novella Nurney
What utter fictional garbage. Stop building bridges for the benefit of the Apostate enemy camps. Preach and teach the Truth of the Word made flesh and you shall be set free from your errors and Glorify God in your endeavors and conversions .
"Fr. Martin’s extended project is to change the way the Church approaches the phenomenon of homosexuality" --Guess which Marxist loves that idea?