Tedros: "(...) to vaccinate 70% by the middle of 2022. We have 185 days to the finish line of achieving 70% by the start of July 2022. And the clock starts now!" - 29 december 2021 - The entire passage: …More
Tedros: "(...) to vaccinate 70% by the middle of 2022. We have 185 days to the finish line of achieving 70% by the start of July 2022. And the clock starts now!" - 29 december 2021 - The entire passage: "This is the moment for leaders to banish the politics of populism and self-interest, which are derailing the COVID-19 response and threaten to undermine the response to the inevitable next disease X. While 2021 has been hard, I ask everyone to make a New Year’s resolution to get behind the campaign to vaccinate 70% by the middle of 2022. We have 185 days to the finish line of achieving 70% by the start of July 2022. And the clock starts now! If we drive this campaign together, we’ll all be in a much better place by this time next year. Happy New Year." - WHAT A PSYCHOPATH! - We have to surrender to the evidence: we are facing terrorists and genocidal criminals totally unscrupulous - See also:
Tedros, the director of the WHO, says that instead of killing children… - Sources: bitchute.com …More
Miles - Christi - English and one more user link to this post