ktoz jak Bog1
After that terrible time pastor Derek was released from jail: Pastor Derek Reimer speaks out after being released from jail
Brian J Smith shares this
Calgary today
Almost all world's governments /military, justice system, police/ are FREE MASONIC, read: SATANISTIC.
Tanzania president, Magufuli,
who was catholic, who was NOT freemason, who verified false Covid-19 and announced he is NOT going to close churches in his country, was killed soon as COVID-19 started .
English Catholic
Same as the English police, and the police the world over - go for the easy targets and let the hard targets run riot. Cowards.
JESUS said: The persecute me and they will persecute you.
It is pretty sad that such beautiful country, with such peaceful people is today leader of FREEMASONRY and COMMUNISM.
ktoz jak Bog1
Canada became COMMUNIST country like China. They both, communist Canada and communist China, are in very good relations
Satan is filling out his promise /Apocalypse of St. John/ about Christian's persecution at the end of times.