
Another One: Roman Basilica Under Commissioner

Francis named Monsignor Rolandas Makrickas as a commissioner for the Basilica Saint Mary Major which is located near Rome’s main station but is on Vatican territory.

Makrickas, a Vatican bureaucrat from the Secretariat of State, is only a frontman as he “will be assisted” by APSA, Governatorato, and the Secretariat for the Economy. They will manage all finances of the basilica.

Cardinal Ryłko, 76, the Archpriest of Saint Mary Major, was never in charge of the finances, an office which was kept by his predecessor Cardinale Santos y Avril (2011-2016).

In 2014, Monsignor Bronislaw Morawiec, an administrator of the basilica under John Paul II., was sentenced by the Vatican Court to four years imprisonment for fraud.

The Chapter of the Basilica and the Archpriest will continue to perform all liturgical and pastoral functions – things that in the secularised Francis Vatican mean little.
