For the past year or so, many places have required people to wear masks when entering. Close contact with others could transmit COVID without a mask. However, not everyone wants to. And some people with certain disabilities are unable to wear one. They might use a face shield instead, so it isn’t that they avoid all protection. However, some people created online sites saying one could fake a …More
For the past year or so, many places have required people to wear masks when entering. Close contact with others could transmit COVID without a mask. However, not everyone wants to. And some people with certain disabilities are unable to wear one. They might use a face shield instead, so it isn’t that they avoid all protection. However, some people created online sites saying one could fake a disability and avoid wearing a mask. Faking a disability for this purpose breaks at least three commandments and probably four. Also, the law is not on their side.

Faking Disability to Avoid Masks Breaks at Least 3 Commandments

Faking Disability to Avoid Masks Breaks at Least 3 Commandments July 1, 2020 Fr. Matthew P. Schneider, LC 3 cartoon characters wearing …
For whatever is worth, when the mask mandate was active in the State I live, I simply said "I do not wear a mask". When asked the reason why I said "because I am a conscience objector." Most of the time they let me get away with it. Other times I needed to leave the place. While the actual usage of the mask is not sinful in itself, wearing a mask today is accepting that which the mask stands for, …More
For whatever is worth, when the mask mandate was active in the State I live, I simply said "I do not wear a mask". When asked the reason why I said "because I am a conscience objector." Most of the time they let me get away with it. Other times I needed to leave the place. While the actual usage of the mask is not sinful in itself, wearing a mask today is accepting that which the mask stands for, the lies, the control, etc. Saying therefore that wearing a mask is morally acceptable in the current circumstances is like saying that wearing a rainbow pin is also harmless. While the rainbow is actually a sign of God's Covenant with humanity, using one as an attire today will mean much more than that. No rainbow, no mask.
Dashiell Hunt
This is patent nonsense, and speaks to the very real crisis of moral teaching among our clergy and episcopacy today. The shameful capitulation of the Church to what are clearly unjust and unconstitutional laws aside, and the reprehensible dictates of Francis and the like of Cupich that the experimental vaccines are morally obligatory should be enough to make any thinking, decent Catholic think twice …More
This is patent nonsense, and speaks to the very real crisis of moral teaching among our clergy and episcopacy today. The shameful capitulation of the Church to what are clearly unjust and unconstitutional laws aside, and the reprehensible dictates of Francis and the like of Cupich that the experimental vaccines are morally obligatory should be enough to make any thinking, decent Catholic think twice before taking the advice of any Catholic cleric on the COVID scam. How humiliating it is that our Protestant brothers and sisters are resisting the tyranny while Catholic clerics continue to equivocate and cower.

First of all, no one is obliged to follow unjust authority. Human governments are only legitimate insofar as they uphold the moral and natural law. No one is under any obligation whatsoever to follow an illegitimate government or law, and indeed are required to resist, with the tools one has at their disposal, and with every means necessary, tyrannical and unjust laws.

Shame on you Father Matthew for continuing to prop up this effete and cowardly defense of the State’s overreach. Grow a pair for God’s sake.
Fr Matthew P Schneider LC
You have not shown that such laws are even unnecessary, yet alone wrong, yet alone unjust in the sense you should actively disobey. If there was a law that in X park, you needed to wear red, that would be unnecessary (they could be wrong if there was something like this was used to exclude the poor who couldn't buy red clothes), but still should be followed as it is not commanding you to do anything …More
You have not shown that such laws are even unnecessary, yet alone wrong, yet alone unjust in the sense you should actively disobey. If there was a law that in X park, you needed to wear red, that would be unnecessary (they could be wrong if there was something like this was used to exclude the poor who couldn't buy red clothes), but still should be followed as it is not commanding you to do anything unjust (wearing red is not sinful).

I would argue that some mask rules are highly just and others are unnecessary and annoying for no real end, but to argue they are even wrong seems a stretch. To argue for not obeying such laws, you'd need to go further to argue that by wearing a mask, you are sinning or causing grave harm to someone, both of which are ridiculous claims.
Dashiell Hunt
You miss the point entirely.
We have witnessed over the past 18 months the most egregious and unjust incursion into every aspect of human freedom, including the freedom to worship, the freedom to visit my mother in hospital, the freedom to work, to make a living, to determine what medical interventions are good and necessary for me. Suicide rates and alcohilism and drug abuse are through the roof. …More
You miss the point entirely.

We have witnessed over the past 18 months the most egregious and unjust incursion into every aspect of human freedom, including the freedom to worship, the freedom to visit my mother in hospital, the freedom to work, to make a living, to determine what medical interventions are good and necessary for me. Suicide rates and alcohilism and drug abuse are through the roof.

Our Catholic clergy, with very, very, few exceptions, have totally capitulated to this monstrous overreach and violation of every norm of human freedom, and instead of fighting for the people have now simply made themselves proxies for the state mandated health dictats, in the face of overwhelming science to the contrary. I can’t go to mass, but Costco is okay, and our weak and cowardly clergy have totally surrendered.

To underscore the point, the best you can do it seems is produce a mealy-mouthed, banal, and theologically-inept argument that we shouldn’t fake reasons for not wearing face diapers, and prattle on about legitimate authority. You have no authority to speak on this matter, no more than our globalist politicians do. The laity are beginning to wake up to your total betrayal of your flock.