The Venerable Henriette Dalille In pre-Civil War New Orleans, Vanessa Williams portrays the African American daughter of a plantation owner. This inspiring true story of heroism and love illuminates …More
The Venerable Henriette Dalille
In pre-Civil War New Orleans, Vanessa Williams portrays the African American daughter of a plantation owner. This inspiring true story of heroism and love illuminates the extraordinary life of Henriette Dalille. In 1988, her order opened the cause for her canonization with the Holy See. She became "the first United States native-born African American whose cause for canonization has been officially opened by the Catholic Church."[7] Her cause was endorsed "unanimously" in 1997 by the United States Catholic bishops. DeLille thereafter was given the title of Servant of God by the pope.
Pope Benedict XVI approved her "heroic virtues" and named her Venerable on March 27, 2010.[6] The Congregation for the Causes of Saints gave its formal assent on June 22, 2010 for the commencement of the cause of beatification with the declaration of "nihil obstat" (nothing against). In order for her beatification to proceed, she then needed a miracle to be confirmed by …More