This artificial intelligence can see you through the Wi-Fi of your modem and even through the walls and thanks to the famous YouTuber Saulo Mundo and what he has said about his experiences with important …More
This artificial intelligence can see you through the Wi-Fi of your modem and even through the walls and thanks to the famous YouTuber Saulo Mundo and what he has said about his experiences with important people, this has been known to happen for years
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Esta inteligencia artificial puede verte a través del Wi-Fi de tu módem e incluso a través de las paredes y gracias al famoso YouTuber Saulo Mundo y lo que ha dicho sobre sus experiencias con personas importantes, se sabe que esto ocurre desde hace años
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Temor da en lo que se está convirtiendo este mundo mundano. ¿Será otra señal del fin de los tiempos?