Omar Bello: Francis Plays Both Sides

Manipulator extraordinaire?
Omar Bello: Francis Plays Both Sides
In 2013, Argentinian philosopher Omar Bello (1964-2015) published an explosive book about Jorge Bergoglio, who at the time had just been elected “Pope” Francis. Entitled El Verdadero Francisco (“The Real Francis”), the book claims to present unknown facts about what kind of person the former “Archbishop” of Buenos Aires really is. The book’s subtitle reads in English: “The private life, psychology, secrets, and doubts of the Argentinian Pope. By the philosopher who knows him best.” What makes the work more interesting still is the fact that its author was a friend, not an enemy, of Francis.
The book is referenced and quoted a number of times in the recently-published exposé The Dictator Pope by Marcantonio Colonna, who writes:
Cardinal Bergoglio thus became Argentina’s most prominent churchman, and there is no shortage of accounts of him as he was seen inside and outside the Church. Perhaps the most penetrating study of his personality was the one that was published by Omar Bello, El Verdadero Francisco (“The Real Francis”), within a few months of his election as Pope. It is worth mentioning that this book vanished from the book-shops with unaccountable speed and is now unobtainable, a fate suffered by some other publications that were not favourable to Pope Francis. Omar Bello was a public-relations executive who in 2005 was engaged to launch a new Church television channel which President Menem had gifted to the archdiocese of Buenos Aires, and over eight years he was to work for the Archbishop and get to know him. As a professional in the field himself, Bello was quick to detect in Cardinal Bergoglio an accomplished self-promoter, disguised behind an image of simplicity and austerity. Bello moved in the circles of the archiepiscopal staff and got to hear the many stories that circulated about their enigmatic superior.
(Marcantonio Colonna, The Dictator Pope [Kindle ed.], loc. 467-475.)
By the workings of Divine Providence, Novus Ordo Watch has been able to defy the odds and obtain a hardcopy of Bello’s book nonetheless, and now we would like to use the opportunity to share an anecdote recounted by the author that may take on greater significance in light of the recent Vatican-China kerfuffle, in which the Vatican appears to be betraying the Underground Church in favor of the Communists.
“Cardinal” Joseph Zen Ze-kiun of Hong Kong recently revealed that Francis had told him in private conversation that he (Francis) had instructed his Curial collaborators in charge of dealings with China “not to create another Mindszenty case” there — meaning, not to oust any legitimate bishops and appoint such as are approved by the Communist government. This makes Francis look like he is not aware of what his own people are doing, and that he disapproves of it. But is this so?
After Zen’s revelation was made public, the official spokesman of the Vatican Press Office, Greg Burke, wasted no time issuing a denial:
With reference to widespread news on a presumed difference of thought and action between the Holy Father and his collaborators in the Roman Curia on issues relating to China, I am able to state the following:
“The Pope is in constant contact with his collaborators, in particular in the Secretariat of State, on Chinese issues, and is informed by them faithfully and in detail on the situation of the Catholic Church in China and on the steps in the dialogue in progress between the Holy See and the People’s Republic of China, which he follows with special attention. It is therefore surprising and regrettable that the contrary is affirmed by people in the Church, thus fostering confusion and controversy”.
(Source: Vatican Bollettino, Jan. 30, 2018)
Why this contradictory information? Is somebody lying, and if so, who? This is where Omar Bello’s book may provide some light.
In El Verdadero Francisco, the author relates the following dialogue regarding a Curial employee “Cardinal” Bergoglio wanted fired when he was “Archbishop” of Buenos Aires:
“You have to throw him out now!” Bergoglio demanded, raising his voice. The walls trembled. “Not one more day can this guy be here! Do you understand?”
He was referring to an employee of the Curia whom he couldn’t stand.
“Right away! Do you understand?”
“But he’s going to want to talk to you…”, one of the treasurers replied.
“I said to throw him out already. What language am I speaking?”
“Alright, Monsignor, we’ll throw him out right away.”
“Promoting to remove” is one of the most respected unwritten slogans of the Church. It sounds strange but someone who behaves badly can end up in a better position, yes, very far from the original place where he committed the offense. Of course, despite the motto, it is sometimes necessary to throw people out, and in those cases Bergoglio doesn’t abandon his tricks either. Once dismissed, the employee in question requested an audience with the cardinal and it was granted quickly, without asking questions.
“But I did not know anything about it, Son. You surprise me…”, the present-day Pope assured the dismissed employee when he told him of his troubles.
“Why did they throw you out? Who was it?”
The man left the cardinal’s offices without a job but with a brand new car as a gift, believing Francis to be a saint driven by circumstances beyond his control, dominated by a host of malicious assistants. The story of this dismissal is repeated even by the security officers of the Curia of Buenos Aires.
(Omar Bello, El Verdadero Francisco [Buenos Aires: Ediciones Noticias, 2013], pp. 36-37; our translation.)
Let’s see if anyone closely familiar with the person of Jorge Bergoglio will come forward to corroborate this story. It would explain a lot.
Omar Bello himself will no longer be able to answer any questions concerning the matter. He died in an apparent car accident in Buenos Aires Province on Mar. 12, 2015.
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Hat tip to…/francis-plays-b…
Mz Perx124 shares this
Let's don't forget... Omar died in car accident... Even His 3 family members died in car accident... His files from the jesuit convent, the superior recomandation disapeared... The junta colaboration faded... Who is He really?...
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Lisi Sterndorfer
Omar Bello said publicly that he would die in a car "accident". He did in 2015.
San Atanasio ora pro nobis
Bergoglio desde Argentina trabajaba jugando ambas cartas apoyando la sodomía, la masonería, las falsas religiones, etc mientras aparentaba ser católico:
Traición que también quedó al descubierto en la carta abierta de Lucrecia a Bergoglio:
" parecer, le gusta caerle bien a todos y estar bien con todos, así que puede un día decir un discurso en la TV en contra del …More
Bergoglio desde Argentina trabajaba jugando ambas cartas apoyando la sodomía, la masonería, las falsas religiones, etc mientras aparentaba ser católico:
Traición que también quedó al descubierto en la carta abierta de Lucrecia a Bergoglio:
" parecer, le gusta caerle bien a todos y estar bien con todos, así que puede un día decir un discurso en la TV en contra del aborto y, al día siguiente, en la misma TV, aparecer bendiciendo a las feministas pro-aborto en la Plaza de Mayo; puede decir un discurso maravilloso contra los masones y, unas horas después, estar cenando y brindando con ellos en el Club de Rotarios.”