Spirituality and media ministry of Priests and brothers. The Society of St. Paul is in over 30 countries around the world. This is a explanation of what they do in one community in OhioMore
Spirituality and media ministry of Priests and brothers.
The Society of St. Paul is in over 30 countries around the world. This is a explanation of what they do in one community in Ohio
holyrope 3
"Blessed Father Alberione gave the congregation a Christ centered spirituality."
Why not then place Christ in the CENTER where He belongs?
And put kneelers (at least) for those who wish to Kneel and receive on the Tongue...the holy and reverent way! etc,. etc,.More
"Blessed Father Alberione gave the congregation a Christ centered spirituality."

Why not then place Christ in the CENTER where He belongs?

And put kneelers (at least) for those who wish to Kneel and receive on the Tongue...the holy and reverent way! etc,. etc,.