WORLD's FREMASONRY TERROR AGAINST CHRISTIANS in the world. Artur PAWLOWSKI's CALGARY, ALBERTA, CANADA house was PUT ON FIRE. With people inside. No media coverage. No reaction from authorities. Support …More
With people inside.
No media coverage. No reaction from authorities.
Support of authorities for hate against Christians is more than visual.
Another pastor in Calgary ARRESTED.
Another terror in Nova Scotia.
State TERROR in Brazil, Argentina, France, Africa, Poland, Ireland, Italy, Great Britain and in many other places of the world. "You will be persecuted for your faith. If they persecuted Me, they are going persecuted also you" /Jesus Christ/ rebelnews.com/arsonists_attack_pastor_arturs_home_in_calgary
Media /propaganda/ owners. Big Pharma. Big bankers.
This is not media propaganda. Pastor Pawlowski is fighting for all of us. He is a Christian Pastor in Alberta, he continued to hold Church services and he fed the poor. He makes it clear he very grateful that the firefighters came and put out the fire which must have been attached to his home. The fire was set in the middle of the night. He wants our prayers.
Freemasons are on on top of United Nations, freemasons are famous bankers, freemasons are on top of governments, presidents, prime ministers, many other ministers, Trilateral Commission, World Monetary Found, Bilderberg Club, Club of Rome, WHO, Amnesty International, UNICEF and many others..
Roberto 55
I would add also khazars=Rothschilds and other khazar families and their boss satan.
Now it is complete...
ktoz jak Bog1
How BIG surprise that in such beautiful country as Canada /not only/, faithful people are arrested, put in concrete cells, they are charged for tens of thousands dollars just for expression of their faith in Jesus Christ, their houses are burning, churches are devastated and others - closed... Where we are ? Hitler's persecution is NOTHING to persecution against Christians which started in 2020/2021.
"Hitler's persecution is NOTHING to persecution against Christians which started in 2020/2021" -Really? Then you should have no problem showing which country rounded up and executed six million Christians in the past year. Even China hasn't managed that. ;-)
Ultraviolet: This sad old story is brought up any time anyone complains of being persecuted; particularly by Feeemasons, who are often also Zionists. Of course everyone knows persecution of anyone is wrong, whether Catholic or Jewish. The camps were full of all kinds of people; Jews, yes, also Catholics, Gypsies, people considered less desirable, people with handicaps of one kind or another, criminals …More
Ultraviolet: This sad old story is brought up any time anyone complains of being persecuted; particularly by Feeemasons, who are often also Zionists. Of course everyone knows persecution of anyone is wrong, whether Catholic or Jewish. The camps were full of all kinds of people; Jews, yes, also Catholics, Gypsies, people considered less desirable, people with handicaps of one kind or another, criminals and so on.
Faithful people STAND for JESUS CHRIST and HIS Holy Mother, Maria.
Governments of the world ! You are in hands of Freemasonry. Be aware ! If you fight with God - God is more powerful then Satan.
"I am calling on everybody: come and listen GOOD NEWS about Jesus Christ. May door are open for all: believers and non believers, sinners and saints, poor, muslem, jevish, homosexuals and others. I fed all of them because of my Lord, Jesus Christ. who called me to spreed LOVE" /Artur Pawlowski, pastor/.
Our Holy Mother, Sancta Maria, pray for us sinners and for our persecuted braothers and sisters.
Sub tuum praesidium
Sancta Dei Genitrix.
Nostras deprecationes ne despicias
in necessitatibus nostris,
sed a periculis cunctis
libera nos semper,
Virgo gloriosa et benedicta
omina nostra, Mediatrix nostra, Advocata nostra
(Our Lady, our Mediatrix, Our Advocate)
tuo Filio nos reconcilia (Reconcile us to your Son)
tuo Filio nos recommenda (Recommend us to your Son)
tuo Filio nos representaMore
Sub tuum praesidium
Sancta Dei Genitrix.
Nostras deprecationes ne despicias
in necessitatibus nostris,
sed a periculis cunctis
libera nos semper,
Virgo gloriosa et benedicta
omina nostra, Mediatrix nostra, Advocata nostra
(Our Lady, our Mediatrix, Our Advocate)
tuo Filio nos reconcilia (Reconcile us to your Son)
tuo Filio nos recommenda (Recommend us to your Son)
tuo Filio nos representa (Represent us to your Son)
ktoz jak Bog1
Let's pray for Freemasons, who, sometimes even without conscious, belong to world satanist organization including many presidents, prime ministers, ministers and other authorities. See st. Maximilian Kolbe, polish saint who, after 1920 experience with Freemasons in Rome, founded Militia of Immaculate Maria.