St Monica of Hippo. Patron saint of married women, mothers and alcoholics ...More
St Monica of Hippo.
Patron saint of married women, mothers and alcoholics ...
Dear Saint Monica,
Please pray for the conversion of my husband, to our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the Holy Catholic Church and so that his mind and heart will be enlighten who God is, who Jesus is and who The Holy Spirit is - three but One God ! and so that my husband will come to know what it is to know our Lord Jesus and what our Lord wants from us - to know Him, to serve Him and to Love Him and …More
Dear Saint Monica,
Please pray for the conversion of my husband, to our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the Holy Catholic Church and so that his mind and heart will be enlighten who God is, who Jesus is and who The Holy Spirit is - three but One God ! and so that my husband will come to know what it is to know our Lord Jesus and what our Lord wants from us - to know Him, to serve Him and to Love Him and that my husband will read his bible, understand it and accept our Lord Jesus as his personal Savior. Saint Monica, I ask this prayer request for our son, as well. And also that my husband will get a job very soon, in order to provide for his family.
Thank you Saint Mother Monica. 😉
Wunderschön! Eine heilige gute Mutter!
How can anyone talk about St Augustine's conversion without reference to his dear mother. God cannot deny the tearful prayers of a mother.
And that is why I place so much confidence in Our Blessed Mother.
St Monica, prayerful wife and mother, many sorrows grieved your heart throughout your life, yet you never gave in to despair or lost hope. With unwavering persistence, and steadfast faith, you prayed fervently for the conversion of your troubled husband and for your beloved son, Augustine. God answered your tearful prayers. Grant me the same enduring patience and trust in the Lord.
St Monica …More

St Monica, prayerful wife and mother, many sorrows grieved your heart throughout your life, yet you never gave in to despair or lost hope. With unwavering persistence, and steadfast faith, you prayed fervently for the conversion of your troubled husband and for your beloved son, Augustine. God answered your tearful prayers. Grant me the same enduring patience and trust in the Lord.

St Monica, pray that God may listen to the cries of my heart and grant me the grace to embrace His will for my life. All glory be to our Triune God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
