
Why the Traditional Latin Mass is Important: Fr. Rodriguez

Fr. Michael Rodriguez sent me this, saying I was free to use it as I saw appropriate. I see that it is appropriate to share it with you. I think these points might be covered elsewhere on this blog in previous Fr. Rodriguez posts, but maybe not as completely as they are presented here.

Why is the Traditional Latin Mass so Important?
by Fr. Michael Rodríguez

(1) The venerable and immemorial Roman Mass, including in its exquisite ritual detail, is theocentric—centered on and directed to Almighty God. It gives constant glory to the Triune God: a sacrifice of adoration, thanksgiving, propitiation, and impetration, directed to God, both theologically and ritually.________________________________________________________________________________

(2) The venerable Roman Mass (Traditional Latin Mass) is the “Mass of the Ages,” it is the Mass which has always been offered by the one, holy, Catholic Church. Thus, it is the true and proper Catholic Mass. This is the Mass which has been handed down by the tradition of Rome, the city consecrated by the blood of two princes, the holy apostles, St. Peter and St. Paul. It is the masterpiece of two-thousand years of Catholic Tradition, life, and worship._____________________________________________________

(3) By means of the Traditional Latin Mass we are able to be supremely faithful to our Catholic religion, i.e. faithful to the (exact same) law of belief (lex credendi) and the (exact same) law of prayer (lex orandi) which have been professed by all our ancestors in the Faith, stretching back to the Apostles themselves.________________________________________________________________________________

(4) The venerable Roman Mass, including in its exquisite ritual detail, professes, manifests and honors the ineffable Mystery which takes place: Jesus Christ, the one High Priest, offers the sacrifice of His life, through the ministry of His priests, in an unbloody manner. Our Redeemer returns mystically to die for us._______________________________________________________________________________

(5) The venerable Roman Mass, including in its exquisite ritual detail, professes, manifests, reverences, and adores the ineffable Mystery which takes place: the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, together with His Soul and His Divinity, are made present and real through the Miracle of Transubstantiation at the time of the Consecration.
reason numbers 6 through 12 here:
padre geremia
I agreeee 100 % to what he said!!!
There is no comparison between the "banal" novus ordo" vs the Exquisite traditional Latin Mass. ...... Thanks be to God for Fr. Rodriguez!
It is a welcome thing to find your comment here: ACLumsden I hope you have been well.
I cannot agree with you on the to rites becoming one, drawing from one another, as I do not think the "on the spot banal creation" {hope I got that right} has a right in changing the Crown of public worship to God,{the TLM but I understand your desire and know it is in charity.
It is a welcome thing to find your comment here: ACLumsden I hope you have been well.

I cannot agree with you on the to rites becoming one, drawing from one another, as I do not think the "on the spot banal creation" {hope I got that right} has a right in changing the Crown of public worship to God,{the TLM but I understand your desire and know it is in charity.
I think that this is indeed all important. However, as was hoped by Benedict XVI, the Extraordinary Form of Mass alongside the Ordinary Form of Mass ought to give birth to a 'via media' between the "Classicist" and "Empiricist" philosophies of Liturgical Praxis. The Classicist ignores local giftedness in terms of music, art and 'presence'; the Empiricist ignores the Universal nature of music, art …More
I think that this is indeed all important. However, as was hoped by Benedict XVI, the Extraordinary Form of Mass alongside the Ordinary Form of Mass ought to give birth to a 'via media' between the "Classicist" and "Empiricist" philosophies of Liturgical Praxis. The Classicist ignores local giftedness in terms of music, art and 'presence'; the Empiricist ignores the Universal nature of music, art and 'presence' of beauty. It is hoped that the two Forms of Holy Mass would marry, and in the fullness of time, produce something more balanced. I think in this world of so many nations and races and cultures, this is a very healthy way to go. So let us continue to support the efficacious endeavours of Benedict XVI. 😇