People in homosexual ‘marriages’ almost 3 times more likely to commit suicide: study

50 years of sex changes, mental disorders, and too many suicides - LifeSite USNews HIV/AIDS Risk Groups "According to amfAR, gay men and other men who have sex with men have a 28-times higher risk of …More
50 years of sex changes, mental disorders, and too many suicides - LifeSite
HIV/AIDS Risk Groups

"According to amfAR, gay men and other men who have sex with men have a 28-times higher risk of HIV acquisition than heterosexual men.
Those who inject drugs are at a 22-times higher risk than those who do not inject drugs.
Transgender women ( homosexual transvestites) and female sex workers are also at higher risk. Transgender (homosexual transvestites) people are 49 times more at risk of living with HIV compared to the general population, according to Avert, a UK-based charity that has been providing information about HIV and sexual health worldwide for over 30 years.
People in homosexual ‘marriages’ almost 3 times more likely to commit suicide: study - LifeSite
Study: gay teens five times more likely to attempt suicide - LifeSite Marxism and the Gender Revolution By Paul Krause/ Crisis Magazine “Sex Change”: Biological Impossibility and Revolt Against God Evil Bergoglio Corrupts …More