Robert F. Kennedy Jr is President and Donald Trump is Vice President

The current situation in America is similar to the situation in Ancient Egypt on the eve of the Exodus. The difference is that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Donald Trump will not lead the Exodus, but will make preparations for the Exodus. The Exodus and conquest of the New Promised Land will be carried out by the Messiah.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr and Donald Trump are new incarnations of Moses and Aaron. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is tongue-tied, just like Moses was. I assume that Donald Trump will not be allowed to participate in the US elections in 2024. And then an agreement will be concluded between Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Donald Trump that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is a candidate for President of the United States, and Donald Trump is a candidate for Vice President under Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Since Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is tongue-tied (like Moses), it will be mostly Donald Trump (like Aaron) who will speak to large gatherings of people.

Psalm 63 is a prediction of JFK's assassination.

Prophecies of the Book of Psalms

This psalm also contains a prophecy of revenge for his death, which is possible if a descendant gains power.