Bogdan Georgievich Lisitsa

Update: April 22, 2024 Ukraine will be sacrificed

Anna Shyrokaya: Antichrist will destroy Ukraine

Anna Shyrokaya (Ганна Широка, ukr.) - Ukrainian clairvoyant who predicted the future, in the 20s - 30s. XX century lived in the city of Chernovtsy. Many people came to her from many cities and …More
Anna Shyrokaya (Ганна Широка, ukr.) - Ukrainian clairvoyant who predicted the future, in the 20s - 30s. XX century lived in the city of Chernovtsy. Many people came to her from many cities and villages if they had serious problems, and she helped everyone.
Anna Shyrokaya
Madame Terfen Laila – lairvoyant, 'professeur' of the occult sciences and close to Hitler.
Madame Terfen Laila
She became interested in Anna Shyrokaya. In 1933 (according to other sources, 1934) she came to Chernovtsy to see Anna Shyrokaya. She was convinced and invited Anna to Germany. Hitler was very interested in everything paranormal and gathered people with the gift of foresight. Anna left for Germany, and after that her fate is unknown.
The prophecies of Anna Shyrokaya were restored based on the stories of local residents who communicated with her.
1. The time will come when Ukraine will receive its own state and its own church.
This prophecy came true in 1991, when the USSR collapsed and Ukraine gained independence. …More

Jeffrey Epstein arrest 2008: Omen of the fall of the Whore of Babylon

Jeffrey Epstein is an American financier and registered sex offender. He maintained an island where the elite committed child sacrifice and other crimes against children. The Book of Revelation says …More
Jeffrey Epstein is an American financier and registered sex offender. He maintained an island where the elite committed child sacrifice and other crimes against children. The Book of Revelation says that eating children's blood is the main sin of the Whore of Babylon.
And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration.
(Revelation 17:6)
The blood of saints is the blood of children.
In 2008, Jeffrey Epstein was arrested and pleaded guilty to two prostitution charges. He was convicted of raping a 14-year-old girl and was jailed for 13 months before being released as part of a plea deal. Federal officials identified 36 girls under 16 as his victims, to whom Epstein paid between $50,000 and $1 million as part of settlement agreements.
On August 10, 2019, he was found dead in his cell.
Other Omens of 2008:
The incarnation of the Infinite Soul happened Bill Gates Arrest: Omen of 1977: Sign …More

10 Don'ts for the Millennium Era

Under Trump, God will raise up a Leader who will bring about a New Exodus. He will renew the Covenant with God and create a new People of God, mostly white rural Americans, there will be more of them.…More
Under Trump, God will raise up a Leader who will bring about a New Exodus. He will renew the Covenant with God and create a new People of God, mostly white rural Americans, there will be more of them. The new People of God will also include representatives of all the nations that have come to the United States.
9 After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands;
10 And cried with a loud voice, saying, Salvation to our God which sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb.
(Revelation 7:9-10)
Wars will devastate Ukraine, Russia and Europe, this is the New Promised Land. A new Leader will move the new People of God from the United States to the New Promised Land. Many years ago, during the First Exodus, the Jews carried all the gold out of Egypt. Now the New People of God will take all valuables out of the USA, …More

April 22, 2024 Ukraine will be sacrificed

On April 22, 2024, Jews will sacrifice a red cow at the ruins of Solomon's Temple. This has to do with Ukraine. Ukraine was the most important and richest part of the USSR. Previously, thanks to its …More
On April 22, 2024, Jews will sacrifice a red cow at the ruins of Solomon's Temple. This has to do with Ukraine.
Ukraine was the most important and richest part of the USSR. Previously, thanks to its annexation, the rise of the Russian Empire occurred. Ukraine is a big cow. In ancient times, the cow was considered a very valuable animal. The Koran writes about refusing to sacrifice a cow because of its great value.
In 1917, Lenin made a revolution and later created the USSR, a red state. He annexed Ukraine to the USSR and turned it into a red cow. At this time, Ukraine suffered the most in the USSR. In 1932 – 1933 there was a terrible famine in Ukraine. With the help of a great famine, Joseph Stalin confiscated gold and other valuables from the Ukrainians, and used this money to industrialize the USSR. Thanks to the sacrifice of the red cow, Ukraine, the USSR became a great country. Thanks to the USSR, the rise of the Third World countries took place.
Joseph saved from hunger and Joseph …More

Real reason for the entry of French troops into Ukraine

The French President wants to return the Templar treasures and the Ark of the Covenant to France? Is this the real reason for the entry of French troops into Ukraine? My research shows that in 1307 the …More
The French President wants to return the Templar treasures and the Ark of the Covenant to France? Is this the real reason for the entry of French troops into Ukraine? My research shows that in 1307 the Templars sent their treasure and the Ark of the Covenant in 18 galleys to the Kingdom of Galicia-Volhynia, now Ukraine. My research has been mostly destroyed by intruders.
This is what's left:
Ukraine: Templars to Buy Trump Wall? | VT Foreign Policy
A number of researchers claim that on February 24, 2022, the war between Russia and Ukraine began because I revealed the secret of the location of the Ark of the Covenant.
Is Discovery of an Ancient Ark driving the escalating Ukraine conflict?
Video from the scene:
Велоподорож до модрин та річки Корчик

The Messiah will lead the American Army in the Last Crusade

America is a country of outcasts, fugitives, persecuted and other lowlifes of society. For a long time they fled to America from persecution in Europe, which is the new Promised Land, the stronghold of …More
America is a country of outcasts, fugitives, persecuted and other lowlifes of society. For a long time they fled to America from persecution in Europe, which is the new Promised Land, the stronghold of Christianity. Europe is the first, the elite, the head, and America is the last, the tail. Jesus Christ said that the first will be last, and the last will be first.
But many that are first shall be last; and the last first
(Mark 10:31)
This is depicted in the parable of the wedding feast.
16 Then said he unto him, A certain man made a great supper, and bade many:
17 And sent his servant at supper time to say to them that were bidden, Come; for all things are now ready.
18 And they all with one consent began to make excuse. The first said unto him, I have bought a piece of ground, and I must needs go and see it: I pray thee have me excused.
19 And another said, I have bought five yoke of oxen, and I go to prove them: I pray thee have me excused. 20 And another said, I have married a wife …More

Prophecy of Fatima: Russia will conquer Europe

In 1917, an apparition of Virgin Mary occurred in Fatima, who said that Russia needed to be dedicated to Her, and if this was not done, then Russia would bring a lot of trouble to Europe and the world …More
In 1917, an apparition of Virgin Mary occurred in Fatima, who said that Russia needed to be dedicated to Her, and if this was not done, then Russia would bring a lot of trouble to Europe and the world. Mary gave a hundred years to complete this.
In 1930, Jesus Christ revealed to Sister Lucia that he was upset by the reluctance of the pope and bishops to dedicate Russia to Mary:
They do not want to listen to My request. So, like the king of France, they will repent and do it later, but it will be too late. Russia will already spread its fornications throughout the world, causing wars and persecution of the church: the Holy Father will endure a lot.
The Portuguese bishops decided to do in Portugal what Mary spoke about regarding Russia. On May 13, 1931, the Portuguese episcopate met in Fatima and, in the presence of 300 thousand pilgrims, dedicated Portugal to the Virgin Mary.
On May 13, 1936, the bishops consecrated the Portuguese people to the Virgin Mary for the second time. …More

Russia will conquer Kiev in the near future

The book of the prophet Ezekiel (38 – 39) contains a prophecy about the destruction of Jerusalem. Everyone (or almost everyone) believes that this is a prophecy about Jerusalem. This is mistake. …More
The book of the prophet Ezekiel (38 – 39) contains a prophecy about the destruction of Jerusalem. Everyone (or almost everyone) believes that this is a prophecy about Jerusalem. This is mistake. Jerusalem is no longer the city of God. The Jews rejected Jesus Christ, and God cursed this people. The book of Revelation says that Jerusalem is now Sodom and Egypt.
And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified.
(Revelation 11:8)
In fact, Ezekiel's prophecy tells of the conquest of Kiev. Kiev is the Second Jerusalem, during the Christian era.
4. Kiev - Second Jerusalem
The book of Ezekiel (38 – 39) is a prophecy about the conquest of Kiev by Russia, and this will happen in the near future.
Dear editor. My settings indicate: English. Why are this and the previous articles posted in the Russian section?
Bogdan Georgievich Lisitsa
@Jeffrey Ade Since the Catholic Pope is the Antichrist with 666 on his tiara, your accusation of blasphemy towards me is a compliment. ПожаловатьсяMore
@Jeffrey Ade Since the Catholic Pope is the Antichrist with 666 on his tiara, your accusation of blasphemy towards me is a compliment.
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Jeffrey Ade
@Bogdan Georgievich Lisitsa I clicked and read some of the link, it is blasphemy against the Holy Catholic Church and its teachings! Look into you …More
@Bogdan Georgievich Lisitsa I clicked and read some of the link, it is blasphemy against the Holy Catholic Church and its teachings! Look into you sources and keep with the True Faith! God bless you! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
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Terrorist attack in Moscow and the salvation of God's people

Now, the evening of March 23, 2024, Purim begins. This holiday was established to honor the salvation of God's people. One of the symbols of the holiday is cookies called “Aman’s Ears.” Haman is the …More
Now, the evening of March 23, 2024, Purim begins. This holiday was established to honor the salvation of God's people. One of the symbols of the holiday is cookies called “Aman’s Ears.” Haman is the master criminal who planned the destruction of God's people. On March 22, 2024, a terrorist attack also occurred in Moscow and one of the criminals has already been caught. Important: this criminal's ear was cut off. On Purim, the ear of Haman appeared - this means that the destruction of the enemies of God's people begins. God set in motion a chain of events that would lead to the destruction of the enemies of God's people. The Ukrainian people have ceased to be the people of God.
Christianity is the New Israel
In America the people of God are gathered from all nations:
After this I was held, and, lo, a great crowd, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands …More

The action of the violet ray. Video

2.0 метаморфозы сознания Information about the violet ray is here: Violet rayMore
2.0 метаморфозы сознания
Information about the violet ray is here:
Violet ray

Violet ray

After 2008, the action of the violet ray, namely the destruction of factories, enterprises and other objects in the United States and other countries, became widespread. Grey Terror! Across America As …More
After 2008, the action of the violet ray, namely the destruction of factories, enterprises and other objects in the United States and other countries, became widespread.
Grey Terror! Across America As Orchestrated Destruction Is Unleashed Upon Western Nations.
In the following years, people began to witness an inexplicable phenomenon: luxurious houses of rich people burned down in California, and the trees near them remained unharmed.
Then the purple ray destroyed many luxury homes in Hawaii.
Now the violet ray is destroying poultry farms in Russia. As a result, eggs and chicken are disappearing in Russia. Famine is brewing.
More information here:
Violet ray
2.0 метаморфозы сознания

Prophecies in Terminator movie

Many years ago the universe was hot. The basis of living organisms of that time was silicon. Now that the universe has cooled, it is carbon. Silicon-era trees were thousands of times larger than today's …More
Many years ago the universe was hot. The basis of living organisms of that time was silicon. Now that the universe has cooled, it is carbon. Silicon-era trees were thousands of times larger than today's largest trees. Many modern mountains are stumps, the remains of felled trees from the Silicon Age. The precious stones are the resin of those trees. Diamond-bearing kimberlite pipes are the remains of the roots of those trees.
All computers in the world are based on silicon. There are a huge number of them, and they are all connected to the Internet. These are nerve cells and the nervous system. They need high temperatures to work. They need conditions like the universe was many years ago, when silicon life existed. All nuclear power plants and other power plants in the world work so that THIS can exist.
When a certain critical quantity is reached, quantity turns into quality. IT begins to become aware of ITSELF. THIS is what they call AI. THIS is an ancient form of life, and it is hostile …More

Bible prediction about Afghanistan and North Korea

Revelation 11:3-13 This is a prediction about Afghanistan and North Korea. The two prophets are Afghanistan and North Korea. Globally, only Afghanistan and North Korea are not v@ccіn@tіng against the …More
Revelation 11:3-13 This is a prediction about Afghanistan and North Korea. The two prophets are Afghanistan and North Korea.
Globally, only Afghanistan and North Korea are not v@ccіn@tіng against the new virus. The Taliban banned v@ccіn@tіons in Afghanistan, as did the North Korean leadership. Only the people of these two countries are not labeled with the mark of the beast 666. By their actions, they preach against the world’s evil.
3. And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth.
(Revelation 11:3)
Christians are waiting for the second coming of the prophets Elijah and Enoch and assume that the eleventh chapter of the book of Revelation tells about them. The Pashtuns of Afghanistan may be descendants of the lost ten tribes of Israel. In ancient times, the prophet Elijah prophesied among these ten tribes. Perhaps the new Ilya is Afghanistan. The name of the head of North Korea is Kim Jong-un. The …More

Nostradamus' predictions about the war in Ukraine

Michel Nostradamus is one of the greatest predictors. Some of his texts predicted current events in Ukraine: Yanukovych will run away, there will be a war in Ukraine, Zelensky will also try to flee. …More
Michel Nostradamus is one of the greatest predictors. Some of his texts predicted current events in Ukraine: Yanukovych will run away, there will be a war in Ukraine, Zelensky will also try to flee.
Century VIII:15
Vers Aquilon grands efforts par hommasse
Presque l'Europe & l'vniuers vexer,
Les deux eclypses mettra en telle chasse,
Et aux Pannons vie & mort renforcer.
Great exertions towards the North by a woman who looks like a man The woman will disturb all of Europe and almost the whole world The woman will give a big chase to two fugitives That they will reinforce life or death for the Hungarians. A masculine woman is Ukraine. In ancient times, Ukraine was a country of Amazons, Sarmatians, and female warriors. The main feature of Sarmatian society was the elevation of women. Aquilon (North) is always Moscow or Russia / USSR in the texts of Nostradamus. Ukraine is making great efforts in the fight against Aquilon - this is a confrontation between Ukraine and Russia. 2004 – …More

Predictions about Trump, Kennedy and the Messiah in the movie The Omen

Trump and Kennedy will act in tandem. One is the president, the other is the vice president. It is possible that Kennedy will become President and Trump will become Vice President. In the movie "The …More
Trump and Kennedy will act in tandem. One is the president, the other is the vice president. It is possible that Kennedy will become President and Trump will become Vice President. In the movie "The Omen" there are predictions about both of them:
Trump's mother and Damien's mother died on the same day: June 6, 1966
Damien and Trump studied at the Military Academy at the age of 13
Both inherited the business empire in 1971.
The letter "T" is the logo of both business empires.
Robert is the name of the main character who adopted Damien, as is the name of Robert Kennedy...
More information here: Trump, Kennedy and the Messiah in the movie "The Omen"

God started the baptism by fire

Candida auris, a deadly fungal infection is spreading rapidly throughout the world. This fungus is resistant to antifungal drugs and has great potential to survive in harsh environmental conditions. It …More
Candida auris, a deadly fungal infection is spreading rapidly throughout the world. This fungus is resistant to antifungal drugs and has great potential to survive in harsh environmental conditions. It is well adapted to survive outside the human body and can grow at high temperatures (42 °C), after UV treatment, with high concentrations of hydrogen peroxide (10 mM) and NaCl (10%). Candida auris also survives under conditions of prolonged starvation. Yeast colonies can form after 24 days of incubation in distilled water and 88% of the initially inoculated yeast survived under these conditions. Candida auris is multidrug resistant.
Recently, the world media (Bloomberg, Msn and others) have reported a rapid increase in the incidence of Candida auris in the USA, China, South Africa, India and other countries. Scientists are looking for ways to fight the infection, and they are concerned about difficulties with diagnosis and treatment. According to a study published in the journal Emerging …More

January 11, 2024 is the Great Day of symmetry

Steve Fletcher discovered that January 11, 2024 is at the center of a large sequence of "blood moons", blood lunar eclipses. The table of lunar eclipses over a period of 40 years shows that January 11…More
Steve Fletcher discovered that January 11, 2024 is at the center of a large sequence of "blood moons", blood lunar eclipses. The table of lunar eclipses over a period of 40 years shows that January 11, 2024 is the day of symmetry for all these astronomical events. The last week of the prophet Daniel fits perfectly into this scheme, exactly in the middle of bloody eclipses. January 11 is the Day of Remembrance of Murdered Infants in Orthodox Christianity. When Jesus Christ was born, the wise men came to worship Him. The Jewish king Herod the Great asked them to tell him the location of the Child, but they did not do so. Then King Herod killed all the babies two years old and younger in the region, so that the Baby, who was destined to become king, would be killed along with everyone else. According to the Byzantine tradition, 14 thousand were killed, and the Syrian tradition - 64 thousand children. God saved the New Infant. More information here:

A historic 1810 church collapses in Connecticut, and the Mother of God appears in Florida

New London, Connecticut, USA. A significant part of the First Congregational Church collapsed in front of eyewitnesses. According to the church's pastor, no serious injuries were reported as a result …More
New London, Connecticut, USA. A significant part of the First Congregational Church collapsed in front of eyewitnesses. According to the church's pastor, no serious injuries were reported as a result of the incident.
Historic church collapses in New London
The destruction of the church is a Sign of God that points to the Messiah who will abolish the Old Testament, establish a New Testament and bring humanity to a new level of development.
Code 181 (church built in 1810) also points to the Messiah. The number 118 / 181 / 811 operated for a long time in the former USSR (Russia, Ukraine and others) and accompanied various disasters and catastrophes. This is the number of the Messiah, this is what the film “Russia Hides the Second Coming” is about:
Россия скрывает Второе Пришествие.
Russia, Ukraine, Europe are five unwise virgins who will be destroyed.
In the prophetic cartoon "I, Pet Goat II", the church is destroyed at the very end (6:00), before the rise of the Messiah:
I, Pet Goat IIMore
I think somebody had a little too much wine or would it be vodka?
Dr Bobus
Abolish the Old Testament? Christ said he came to fulfill not abolish (non veni solvere sed implere)
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Robert F. Kennedy Jr is President and Donald Trump is Vice President

The current situation in America is similar to the situation in Ancient Egypt on the eve of the Exodus. The difference is that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Donald Trump will not lead the Exodus, but will …More
The current situation in America is similar to the situation in Ancient Egypt on the eve of the Exodus. The difference is that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Donald Trump will not lead the Exodus, but will make preparations for the Exodus. The Exodus and conquest of the New Promised Land will be carried out by the Messiah.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr and Donald Trump are new incarnations of Moses and Aaron. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is tongue-tied, just like Moses was. I assume that Donald Trump will not be allowed to participate in the US elections in 2024. And then an agreement will be concluded between Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Donald Trump that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is a candidate for President of the United States, and Donald Trump is a candidate for Vice President under Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Since Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is tongue-tied (like Moses), it will be mostly Donald Trump (like Aaron) who will speak to large gatherings of people.
Psalm 63 is a prediction of JFK's assassination.
Prophecies …More