Bogdan Georgievich Lisitsa
Bogdan Georgievich Lisitsa

Russia will conquer Kiev in the near future

@Jeffrey Ade Since the Catholic Pope is the Antichrist with 666 on his tiara, your accusation of blasphemy towards me is a compliment.
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@Jeffrey Ade Since the Catholic Pope is the Antichrist with 666 on his tiara, your accusation of blasphemy towards me is a compliment.


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Bogdan Georgievich Lisitsa

Russia will conquer Kiev in the near future

Dear editor.
My settings indicate: English. Why are this and the previous articles posted in the Russian section?
Bogdan Georgievich Lisitsa

A historic 1810 church collapses in Connecticut, and the Mother of God appears in Florida

He did it, but everyone else doesn’t have to do it. That's why I will soon abolish and the Millennium will begin. This is the answer to your previous question: Prophecies of the Book of Psalms
Bogdan Georgievich Lisitsa

JFK's assassination was predicted in the Bible

You are crazy. You allowed them to inject you against the coron@virus, you eat insects. Bill G@tes has funded labs to learn how to make food from sh[i]t, and soon you'll be eating it.
Bogdan Georgievich Lisitsa

JFK's assassination was predicted in the Bible

Because this is a prediction about 1963, not 1865 and not 1901
Bogdan Georgievich Lisitsa

Sign: The Papacy Loses Everything

Rapture is false teaching. Israel was the people of God, the time of David and Solomon is the golden age of Ancient Israel. But Israel rejected the Covenant with Jesus Christ, so God rejected Israel. Christianity became the new people of God. God cut down the dry tree - Israel. A new tree grew from this root - Christianity, which in 2000 years almost completely repeated the history of Ancient Israel …More
Rapture is false teaching. Israel was the people of God, the time of David and Solomon is the golden age of Ancient Israel. But Israel rejected the Covenant with Jesus Christ, so God rejected Israel. Christianity became the new people of God. God cut down the dry tree - Israel. A new tree grew from this root - Christianity, which in 2000 years almost completely repeated the history of Ancient Israel. Vladimir the Great is the David of the Christian era, and Yaroslav the Wise is the Solomon of the Christian era. There will be a restoration of the kingdom of David / Solomon and the kingdom of Vladimir the Great / Yaroslav the Wise. The Messiah is a descendant of David/Solomon and Vladimir the Great/Yaroslav the Wise. Revelation 12 is a prediction of the birth of the Messiah. The Millennium is the result of both Ancient Israel and Christianity.
Bogdan Georgievich Lisitsa

Sign: The Papacy Loses Everything

Can't you see that the destruction of the world is happening since 2020? And the papacy is one of the foundations of this world. God will soon destroy all foundations, including the papacy, and the entire world. And then a new era, the Millennium, will begin. Everything old will forever remain in the past, including the papacy. There will soon be a wonderful life for God's people.
Bogdan Georgievich Lisitsa

The truth about coron@virus

Sometimes prophets see terrible visions or learn terrible information. There is no need to be afraid.
Bogdan Georgievich Lisitsa

The truth about coron@virus

What did they see during their hallucinations? What did the voices say?
Bogdan Georgievich Lisitsa

Prediction about the war in Ukraine

He's a joker, he jokes - people die.
Bogdan Georgievich Lisitsa

Zion vs beast

Zion is the mountain where David, the ideal king, lived.
Bogdan Georgievich Lisitsa

The war in Ukraine is necessary for the Messiah to be revealed

I'm not talking about the Antichrist, but about the Messiah, who is written about in Revelation 12:5
And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne.
Bogdan Georgievich Lisitsa

Greek Catholic Ukrainians: “Blessing Cannot Contradict God’s Word”

There is only one Ukrainian who can be trusted, it is ME. Do not trust the Ukrainians, these are the new Jews.
Bogdan Georgievich Lisitsa

Messiah's Plan

I need May to come sooner, when it’s warm. I am Aragorn with the name Strider.
Aragorn - Wikipedia
Then I will go to Frankopol, the last castle of the Templars, to complete my research. It is located 50 kilometers from me.More
I need May to come sooner, when it’s warm. I am Aragorn with the name Strider.

Aragorn - Wikipedia

Then I will go to Frankopol, the last castle of the Templars, to complete my research. It is located 50 kilometers from me.
Bogdan Georgievich Lisitsa

Why is the Messiah needed?

Scapular The situation in Ukraine (as well as in Europe) could have changed before December 5, 2020, when mass injections began around the world. Or maybe until March 11, 2020, when a worldwide disease was declared. The war that began on February 24, 2022 is already the second stage of mass destruction. Now it makes no sense to pray for Ukraine (or Europe), nothing can be changed here. Chapter 12 …More
Scapular The situation in Ukraine (as well as in Europe) could have changed before December 5, 2020, when mass injections began around the world. Or maybe until March 11, 2020, when a worldwide disease was declared. The war that began on February 24, 2022 is already the second stage of mass destruction. Now it makes no sense to pray for Ukraine (or Europe), nothing can be changed here. Chapter 12 of Revelation tells about Ukraine, soon there will be a desert here. The way out of the situation will be an alliance between the Messiah and America (more precisely, the Republicans, the Trumpists).
Bogdan Georgievich Lisitsa

Milei vs Trump

Attentive people found criminal tattoos in Russian on the hand of an adviser to the new president of Argentina. “To be calm, I need: a house, a country house, a bank account, a boat, a car and a garage.” This tattoo is copied from the Russian Criminal Encyclopedia of Tattoos. The publication Noticias writes about this.
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