Russia will conquer Kiev in the near future

The book of the prophet Ezekiel (38 – 39) contains a prophecy about the destruction of Jerusalem. Everyone (or almost everyone) believes that this is a prophecy about Jerusalem. This is mistake. …More
The book of the prophet Ezekiel (38 – 39) contains a prophecy about the destruction of Jerusalem. Everyone (or almost everyone) believes that this is a prophecy about Jerusalem. This is mistake. Jerusalem is no longer the city of God. The Jews rejected Jesus Christ, and God cursed this people. The book of Revelation says that Jerusalem is now Sodom and Egypt.
And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified.
(Revelation 11:8)
In fact, Ezekiel's prophecy tells of the conquest of Kiev. Kiev is the Second Jerusalem, during the Christian era.
4. Kiev - Second Jerusalem
The book of Ezekiel (38 – 39) is a prophecy about the conquest of Kiev by Russia, and this will happen in the near future.
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Bogdan Georgievich Lisitsa
@Jeffrey Ade Since the Catholic Pope is the Antichrist with 666 on his tiara, your accusation of blasphemy towards me is a compliment.
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@Jeffrey Ade Since the Catholic Pope is the Antichrist with 666 on his tiara, your accusation of blasphemy towards me is a compliment.


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Jeffrey Ade
@Bogdan Georgievich Lisitsa I clicked and read some of the link, it is blasphemy against the Holy Catholic Church and its teachings! Look into you sources and keep with the True Faith! God bless you! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
Bogdan Georgievich Lisitsa
Dear editor.
My settings indicate: English. Why are this and the previous articles posted in the Russian section?