January 11, 2024 is the Great Day of symmetry

Steve Fletcher discovered that January 11, 2024 is at the center of a large sequence of "blood moons", blood lunar eclipses. The table of lunar eclipses over a period of 40 years shows that January 11, 2024 is the day of symmetry for all these astronomical events. The last week of the prophet Daniel fits perfectly into this scheme, exactly in the middle of bloody eclipses. January 11 is the Day of Remembrance of Murdered Infants in Orthodox Christianity. When Jesus Christ was born, the wise men came to worship Him. The Jewish king Herod the Great asked them to tell him the location of the Child, but they did not do so. Then King Herod killed all the babies two years old and younger in the region, so that the Baby, who was destined to become king, would be killed along with everyone else. According to the Byzantine tradition, 14 thousand were killed, and the Syrian tradition - 64 thousand children. God saved the New Infant. More information here: telegra.ph/New-Herod-01-29