JFK's assassination was predicted in the Bible

It was predicted that John Kennedy would be killed by shooting, and that investigations would be conducted and they would be falsified. Update: Psalms: in 2024 Biden will leave and Trump will come to …More
It was predicted that John Kennedy would be killed by shooting, and that investigations would be conducted and they would be falsified.
Update: Psalms: in 2024 Biden will leave and Trump will come to power
Craziness. Get back on your meds.
Dr Bobus
Why does it pertain to JFK and not Lincoln or McKinley?
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Bible Predictions: London and New York will be destroyed

The Bible contains predictions about the Phoenician city of Tyre and its destruction. These predictions have not been completely fulfilled, but will soon be fully fulfilled in relation to London, which …More
The Bible contains predictions about the Phoenician city of Tyre and its destruction. These predictions have not been completely fulfilled, but will soon be fully fulfilled in relation to London, which is the new Tyre.
Due to the confusion regarding the city of Troy, confusion arose regarding Tyre. Now there is an erroneous belief that the ruins of a city in Turkey are the ruins of the legendary Troy. In fact, Tyre is Troy. Tire created a large colony - Carthage.
Trinovant is the first name of London, which means "New Tyre" / "New Troy".
Ukraine is Judea of the Christian era. Kiev, which is called the Second Jerusalem, is the Jerusalem of the Christian era.
Christianity is the New Israel
London is Tyre, and New York is Carthage.
The Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar II destroyed Jerusalem and then conquered Tyre. Now history is repeating itself. The new Babylonian king is the leader of Russia. Soon he will destroy Kiev (Second Jerusalem). After this, the predictions recorded by Isaiah, …More

The word Society come from "Jesus Son of David"

Jesus Christ is the Father and Creator of the present civilization, the present of humanity. He gave people rules for living in community. The word society comes from His Name – Jesus. Since present …More
Jesus Christ is the Father and Creator of the present civilization, the present of humanity. He gave people rules for living in community. The word society comes from His Name – Jesus. Since present society has denied Jesus Christ, its Father, this is a denial of itself. This means that present society ceases to exist as a society. This is no longer a society, but a collection of strangers and people hostile to each other. Homo homini lupus est (Man is a wolf to man) is a saying of the ancient Romans from the time before the birth of Jesus Christ. Having renounced Jesus Christ, humanity has returned to this cruel time.
About the origin of the word Society: telegra.ph/Society-01-16

Psalms: in 2024 Biden will leave and Trump will come to power

The Book of Psalms is a prophecy for the years 1901–2050. Each psalm or part thereof contains a prophecy about the corresponding year. Examples: Psalm 17 4 The sorrows of death compassed me, and the …More
The Book of Psalms is a prophecy for the years 1901–2050. Each psalm or part thereof contains a prophecy about the corresponding year. Examples:
Psalm 17
4 The sorrows of death compassed me, and the floods of ungodly men made me afraid.
5 The sorrows of hell compassed me about: the snares of death prevented me.
1917 – Revolution in Russia, as a result of which many people were killed..
Psalm 33
10. The young lions do lack, and suffer hunger
1932 – 1933 – Famine in Ukraine Psalm 39 12 For innumerable evils have compassed me about: mine iniquities have taken hold upon me, so that I am not able to look up; they are more than the hairs of mine head: therefore my heart faileth me. 1939 – beginning of World War II Psalm 45 6. the earth melted 1945 – The US dropped nuclear bombs on Japan, the ground in Japan melted. Psalm 59 2 Thou hast made the earth to tremble; thou hast broken it: heal the breaches thereof; for it shaketh. 3 Thou hast shewed thy people hard things: thou hast made us to drink …More

Cannibals fear Zion

I posted a comment under one of the YouTube videos with a link about Zion: Zion vs beast YouTube deleted my comment and threatened that if I did it again, they would delete my YouTube account. Everyone …More
I posted a comment under one of the YouTube videos with a link about Zion:
Zion vs beast
YouTube deleted my comment and threatened that if I did it again, they would delete my YouTube account.
Everyone do the same. The cannibals who own YouTube are afraid of this.

Sign: The Papacy Loses Everything

On December 17, 2023, lightning destroyed the blessing hand, key, and halo of the statue of St. Peter on the façade of the Church of Nuestra Señora del Rosario de San Nicolas, a sanctuary in Buenos …More
On December 17, 2023, lightning destroyed the blessing hand, key, and halo of the statue of St. Peter on the façade of the Church of Nuestra Señora del Rosario de San Nicolas, a sanctuary in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and a storm devastated the area.
This is a sign from God.
1. The event took place on the birthday of Pope Francis.
2. The event took place in the area where he was a church leader.
3. The event took place on the eve of the publication of the document Fiducia Supplicans, in which he allows the blessing of “homosexual couples”.
Lightning is an instrument of God. Through this symbolic action, God shows the world his decision about the popes, the successors of the Apostle Peter:
1. The destruction of the blessing hand means that God is taking away the primacy from the popes. The Apostle Peter was considered the chief among the apostles, and the popes, his successors, were considered the leaders of the Christian world. From now on, popes lose authority and power.
2. God takes away …More
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
According to this post, the conclusion is: The destruction of the blessing hand means that God is taking away the primacy from the popes. God takes …More
According to this post, the conclusion is:
The destruction of the blessing hand means that God is taking away the primacy from the popes.
God takes away the symbolic key to heaven from the popes. From now on, popes lose the power to forgive sins.
3. God takes away the halo - the papacy loses its holiness.
4. Devastation of the area means that the followers of the papacy will suffer.
I think more, this not the office of the Papacy itself, but of the present occupant, Pope Francis. He is the evil that these signs from God are directed at, not the office itself.
If Pope Francis is stupid enough not to see this as a sign of God's displeasure and outrage at his Papacy, and he does not resign and atone for his destruction of the Church, then he truely is evil, and these signs from God meant for him are totally deserved and are a warning against those also, who follow Pope Francis on his evil path.
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The truth about coron@virus

This information is distributed on the Internet in the form of pictures. Machines / algorithms read texts and block messages about coron@virus. But if it is text in the form of a picture, then machines …More
This information is distributed on the Internet in the form of pictures. Machines / algorithms read texts and block messages about coron@virus. But if it is text in the form of a picture, then machines cannot read this text and do not block it.
More information here: Holy Spirit
Edie Loughmiller
I do know some people who were convinced that the 2020 outbreak was demonic because of the "hallucinations" and frightening voices they heard while sick.
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Prediction about the war in Ukraine

This is one of my many predictions about the war in Ukraine, published on February 19, 2019 on my website arbat.name This is machine translation. Second Seal: War Publication date 02/19/2019 | Author …More
This is one of my many predictions about the war in Ukraine, published on February 19, 2019 on my website arbat.name
This is machine translation.
Second Seal: War
Publication date 02/19/2019 | Author Bogdan Georgievich Lisitsa
3 And when he had opened the second seal, I heard the second beast say, Come and see.
4 And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword.
(Revelation 6:3,4)
On February 19, 2019, Poroshenko signed a law on amendments to the Constitution on Ukraine’s accession to the EU and NATO. The date February 19, 2019 in numbers: 2192019 or 2 19 2 19. This date can also be written as 02 19 2019 or 02 19 20 19. The number 19 is written 2 times + 2 times. It can be interpreted as 1991 - the second time or 1991 - 2 or 1991 - revenge of the USSR. When Ukraine declared independence, the Ukrainian leadership promised that Ukraine …More
Bogdan Georgievich Lisitsa
He's a joker, he jokes - people die.
Zelensky lied and then people died.
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Zion vs beast

The nation is the State of the Son of God. If the Son of God does not lead the state, then it is not a nation, but a beast. The word "nation" means "on Zion" or "the Son of God stands on Zion". Nation …More
The nation is the State of the Son of God. If the Son of God does not lead the state, then it is not a nation, but a beast. The word "nation" means "on Zion" or "the Son of God stands on Zion".
Nation = Na + tion
Na = on (na – in Slavic languages)
Tion = Zion
God will create Zion, the state of the Son of God, an ideal state. The Mountain of God, or the pyramid, or the hierarchical ladder of the people of God will contain within itself the entire people of God with all the fullness of positive qualities: peace, harmony, justice, balance and others.
The English word “Passion” literally means absence of peace. This word is made up of the words "Pas" and "Zion". The French word "Pas" means not, no, to go aside, to miss. Passion means leaving Zion, leaving peace.
More information: telegra.ph/Zion-12-31
Bogdan Georgievich Lisitsa
Zion is the mountain where David, the ideal king, lived.
Jeffrey Ade
Catholic believe Sion is the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass! "As it is written: Behold I lay in Sion a stumblingstone and a rock of scandal; and whosoever …More
Catholic believe Sion is the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass! "As it is written: Behold I lay in Sion a stumblingstone and a rock of scandal; and whosoever believeth in Him shall not be confounded."

The war in Ukraine is necessary for the Messiah to be revealed

Boaz and Jachin are two bronze columns that stood in the vestibule of Solomon's Temple. This is the gate behind which there is a source of Light. “I” and “I” - these symbols can be used to denote Boaz …More
Boaz and Jachin are two bronze columns that stood in the vestibule of Solomon's Temple. This is the gate behind which there is a source of Light.
“I” and “I” - these symbols can be used to denote Boaz and Jachin.
“Z”, “O” and “V” - under these symbols the war is taking place in Ukraine.
We also connect:
The Messiah is the prince who will bring light to the world, and who comes from Ukraine: 7. Messiah This prince will become the king of the world.
Bogdan Georgievich Lisitsa
I'm not talking about the Antichrist, but about the Messiah, who is written about in Revelation 12:5 And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule …More
I'm not talking about the Antichrist, but about the Messiah, who is written about in Revelation 12:5
And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne.
Jeffrey Ade
The Catholic Church teaches the Messiah will return from Heaven, not the Ukraine. "26. If therefore they shall say to you: Behold he is in the desert,…More
The Catholic Church teaches the Messiah will return from Heaven, not the Ukraine. "26. If therefore they shall say to you: Behold he is in the desert, go ye not out: Behold he is in the closets, believe it not. [27] For as lightning cometh out of the east, and appeareth even into the west: so shall the coming of the Son of man be. [28] Wheresoever the body shall be, there shall the eagles also be gathered together. " Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!

Technological incarnation

Corporations/authorities steal your souls and place them in the virtual world. As a result of this, your bodies die, and entities from other worlds (demons) settle in them. In the UK, a trial was held …More
Corporations/authorities steal your souls and place them in the virtual world. As a result of this, your bodies die, and entities from other worlds (demons) settle in them.
In the UK, a trial was held of 18-year-old autistic Arion Kurtaj, who hacked into the Rockstar Games server and leaked 90 clips of the unpublished new Grand Theft Auto 6 online. The court placed him in a mental hospital for an indefinite period. When justice is restored in the world, Arion Kurtaj will change places with the judge. In fact, this judge should be placed in an insane asylum.
This man revealed the truth about the further fate of human souls that end up in the cloud and the virtual world. In computer games there are “non-player characters” - Non-player character, NPC. Players have noticed that NPCs tell them unusual stories. One of them said he wanted to return home to Oakwood, Canada, where his wife and children live. He even gave the address if the player decides to visit them. The player found the phone …More

Messiah's Plan 2

In the kingdom of the Messiah there will be no family in the current sense. The family will be expanded, and money will not be in circulation between people. Money will be in circulation only between …More
In the kingdom of the Messiah there will be no family in the current sense. The family will be expanded, and money will not be in circulation between people. Money will be in circulation only between enterprises, cities and other organizations.
The Messiah will divide God's people into families of 12, approximately 6 men and 6 women. The number of children will not be counted. The head of the family will be the father/main husband.
12 fathers choose the main father over 12 families. The lower level fathers elect the higher level fathers. A pyramid is created:
12 * 12 = 144
144 * 12 = 1728
1728 * 12 = 20736 20736 * 12 = 248832 248832 * 12 = 2985984 2985984 * 12 = 35831808 There will be no passport. The name "passport" means "permission to sail from a port." The people of God will not need such permissions, i.e. it will be a free people. There will only be a Birth Certificate. The name will consist of the proper name and the names of all the fathers of the pyramid up to the name of …More

Messiah's Plan

Soon the world will change beyond recognition. England and other maritime countries will be flooded. Russia will conquer half of Europe, and China will start a war against Russia. The countries of the …More
Soon the world will change beyond recognition. England and other maritime countries will be flooded. Russia will conquer half of Europe, and China will start a war against Russia. The countries of the world will plunge into chaos, famine, and civil wars. The collapse of the dollar will cause the introduction of digital currencies by central banks (666). At midnight the Messiah will arrive in the United States.
And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him.
(Matthew 25:6)
Midnight is the peak of a worldwide catastrophe.
The West and East coasts of the United States will be destroyed. Only the mountainous states of the United States will remain unscathed; the capital will be moved to Denver. The US will be the only country in the world without a CBDC. The enemies of humanity have condemned the United States to death, like all other countries. The United States does not have a gold reserve; all the gold was stolen during the Clinton presidency.…More
True Mass
Get a job and stay confessed. That settles it.
@Bogdan Georgievich Lisitsa what do you have to support any of this?
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Why is the Messiah needed?

I live in Ukraine. Crazy things happen here that normal people cannot imagine. Ukraine has turned into a huge clinic for the mentally ill. It feels like the patients of the clinic for the insane committed …More
I live in Ukraine. Crazy things happen here that normal people cannot imagine. Ukraine has turned into a huge clinic for the mentally ill. It feels like the patients of the clinic for the insane committed a hostile takeover of the clinic. The madmen rebelled, tied up the doctors and put them in places for the mentally ill. After that, the crazy people put on white coats, occupied offices and declared themselves doctors. Now the crazy people are the doctors, and the doctors have become crazy. How can doctors prove that they are not crazy? No matter what doctors say, they cannot prove that they are not crazy. If they stubbornly prove something, they will be “treated” even more, fed with pills, given injections, isolated, etc. If you live in Europe, no need to laugh. You will soon have the same thing, only multiplied by a thousand.
There is no way out of this situation. More precisely, there is no standard solution to the problem. There is only one Person who can fix everything, and that …More
Bogdan Georgievich Lisitsa
Scapular The situation in Ukraine (as well as in Europe) could have changed before December 5, 2020, when mass injections began around the world. Or …More
Scapular The situation in Ukraine (as well as in Europe) could have changed before December 5, 2020, when mass injections began around the world. Or maybe until March 11, 2020, when a worldwide disease was declared. The war that began on February 24, 2022 is already the second stage of mass destruction. Now it makes no sense to pray for Ukraine (or Europe), nothing can be changed here. Chapter 12 of Revelation tells about Ukraine, soon there will be a desert here. The way out of the situation will be an alliance between the Messiah and America (more precisely, the Republicans, the Trumpists).
Bogdan you need to report more on the Ukrainian situation. We pray for you. Ave Maria
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The dog rules Europe

It’s not me who says this, it’s the Russians who say it. Ursula von der Leyen is the President of the European Commission. During a speech at a session of the European Parliament, she began to bark: …More
It’s not me who says this, it’s the Russians who say it. Ursula von der Leyen is the President of the European Commission. During a speech at a session of the European Parliament, she began to bark:
Выступление Урсулы фон дер Ляйен на сессии Европарламента завершилось громким собачьим лаем
Her last name "Leyen" is similar to the Russian word for barking dog. In fact, this dog bark was not made by Ursula von der Dog, but by Russian hackers. They hacked into the European Parliament's computer system and turned on the sound of a dog barking during Ursula von der Dog's speech. This is such Slavic humor. If the Russians had not done this, then the Poles, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Serbs or other Slavs would have done it.
This article can also be called “A liar is leading Europe.”
A dog that barks does not bite. In other words, the dog is deceiving. The Russian word “lie” means “to bark”, and in English it means “to tell a lie”. Also in Ukrainian, “dog breshe” means “dog barks”, and literally …More

Scandinavian countries must prepare for war

I removed the Name, Which is prohibited by censorship on the site gloria.tv Now there is no reason to ban this article, as was done yesterday. I also added a few words about Germany and the need for …More
I removed the Name, Which is prohibited by censorship on the site gloria.tv Now there is no reason to ban this article, as was done yesterday. I also added a few words about Germany and the need for a new Exodus.
Now the Russian army is in Ukraine, here it is constrained and cannot attack other countries. But soon Russia's war against Ukraine will end, and then Russia will attack Finland, Sweden and Norway.
Now there are predictions about the approaching war of Russia against the Scandinavian countries. December 9 ANNO.DOMINI writes:
Although most of the messages I receive from the Holy Spirit are about America, I sometimes receive visions and words for people in other countries and regions around the world. This vision is one of them.
In a dream, the Holy Spirit led me to Northern Europe, where a leadership meeting of men and women was busily meeting. I couldn't hear their language and they couldn't see me (I was invisible). I looked at the appearance of these people, trying to determine …More
Better Check thoroughly the source of your so called predictions.

Milei vs Trump

Javier Milei is the newly elected president of Argentina, who is a tool of the globalists in their fight against Trump. Javier Milei is a globalist doll, their creation. They created the new President …More
Javier Milei is the newly elected president of Argentina, who is a tool of the globalists in their fight against Trump. Javier Milei is a globalist doll, their creation. They created the new President of Argentina in the image of little Trump or Argentine Trump. There will be US presidential elections in 2024, which Trump will win. To prevent Trump from winning, the globalists are planning to collapse the Argentine economy on the eve of the US elections. They want to intimidate US voters, allegedly if Trump wins, the same thing will happen as in Argentina - the collapse of the US economy.
Globalists demand that Milei pretend to be crazy. When Argentina's economy collapses, they will portray Trump as crazy on all TV channels. “A madman will destroy America” with Trump’s face - such a billboard will be installed on all roads in the USA.
Milei copies Trump in religion. Trump converted to Judaism, and his secret enemy did the same. But since Milei was not confident of winning the presidential …More
Bogdan Georgievich Lisitsa
Attentive people found criminal tattoos in Russian on the hand of an adviser to the new president of Argentina. “To be calm, I need: a house, a country …More
Attentive people found criminal tattoos in Russian on the hand of an adviser to the new president of Argentina. “To be calm, I need: a house, a country house, a bank account, a boat, a car and a garage.” This tattoo is copied from the Russian Criminal Encyclopedia of Tattoos. The publication Noticias writes about this.
Банки, деньги, два офшора
Sister Mary of the Trinity
Milei has not been 3 days a president and you are already saying that he refused to sign something? Long gone are the times in which to think before …More
Milei has not been 3 days a president and you are already saying that he refused to sign something?
Long gone are the times in which to think before acting was considered a virtue...
Wow. I hope you are very wrong.