Prediction about the war in Ukraine

This is one of my many predictions about the war in Ukraine, published on February 19, 2019 on my website
This is machine translation.

Second Seal: War

Publication date 02/19/2019 | Author Bogdan Georgievich Lisitsa

3 And when he had opened the second seal, I heard the second beast say, Come and see.

4 And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword.

(Revelation 6:3,4)

On February 19, 2019, Poroshenko signed a law on amendments to the Constitution on Ukraine’s accession to the EU and NATO.

The date February 19, 2019 in numbers: 2192019 or 2 19 2 19. This date can also be written as 02 19 2019 or 02 19 20 19. The number 19 is written 2 times + 2 times. It can be interpreted as 1991 - the second time or 1991 - 2 or 1991 - revenge of the USSR.

When Ukraine declared independence, the Ukrainian leadership promised that Ukraine would be a non-aligned state. The Declaration of State Sovereignty of Ukraine (July 16, 1990) proclaimed the non-aligned status of Ukraine. This Declaration became the basis of the Act of Independence of Ukraine on August 24, 1991.

The leaders of the Russian Federation believe that the leaders of Ukraine deceived them. They believe that Ukraine has broken the laws and now they can return Ukraine to the situation before 1991, when Ukraine was not yet independent. The Russian Federation will restore the USSR by force and war.

On February 19, 843, Christians celebrated the “Triumph of Orthodoxy” for the first time. Now in Ukraine, Christians of the UOC (MP) are experiencing persecution similar to what icon venerators experienced before the founding of the “Triumph of Orthodoxy” holiday. The events of February 19, 2019 will ultimately lead to the “Triumph of Orthodoxy.” The currently persecuted Christians of the UOC (MP) will soon be victorious.
Bogdan Georgievich Lisitsa
He's a joker, he jokes - people die.
Zelensky lied and then people died.
say no to war anywhere