Scandinavian countries must prepare for war

I removed the Name, Which is prohibited by censorship on the site Now there is no reason to ban this article, as was done yesterday. I also added a few words about Germany and the need for a new Exodus.

Now the Russian army is in Ukraine, here it is constrained and cannot attack other countries. But soon Russia's war against Ukraine will end, and then Russia will attack Finland, Sweden and Norway.

Now there are predictions about the approaching war of Russia against the Scandinavian countries. December 9 ANNO.DOMINI writes:

Although most of the messages I receive from the Holy Spirit are about America, I sometimes receive visions and words for people in other countries and regions around the world. This vision is one of them.

In a dream, the Holy Spirit led me to Northern Europe, where a leadership meeting of men and women was busily meeting. I couldn't hear their language and they couldn't see me (I was invisible). I looked at the appearance of these people, trying to determine where I was. Many had blond hair and Nordic or Scandinavian features, so I wondered if I was in Finland or one of the neighboring countries?

I asked the Holy Spirit who these people were, and He gave me an unexpected and unusual answer. “These are the people of Wotan,” He said. I wasn't sure what He meant because the expression was new to me.

Then I asked Him why He brought me there to show me these people. “The people of Wotan will soon go to war,” He said. "Warn them."

The People of Wotan Will Go to War - Anno.Domini.144K - 444 Prophecy News

Ancient peoples believed that Scandinavia was the domain of the god Odin, i.e. John the Baptist. Odin (proto-German Wōđanaz) is the supreme god in German-Scandinavian mythology, the father and leader of the Aesir, sage, expert on runes and sagas, priest, warrior, god of war and victory, patron of the military aristocracy, master of Valhalla and ruler of the Valkyries. Odin is the Christian John the Baptist. The name Wōđanaz comes from the word "voda" (water) in different languages. John the Baptist is known for performing the ritual of immersing people in water. Odin was accompanied by the ravens Hugin and Munin, which correspond to the ravens that fed the prophet Elijah, whose incarnation was John the Baptist. The honey of poetry on which Odin ate corresponds to the honey on which John the Baptist ate.

Also, Njord corresponds to Odin-John the Baptist in German-Scandinavian mythology. Njord is mentioned in the Ynglinga Saga. When Odin arrived in Scandinavia, he settled his priest Njord in Noatun. This means that the sanctuary of Njord-John the Baptist was created here. After Odin's death, Njord became the ruler of the Swedes. He died of illness and before his death he ordered to devote himself to Odin. Njord and Odin are two forms of John the Baptist. The power of Njord passed to Freyr's son, Jesus Christ. Thus, Njord-John the Baptist became the ancestor of the Ynglings.

Skadi (Old Scandinavian Skaði; also Skade, Skadi, Skadhi, Skathi) is a frosty giantess, patroness of hunting in Scandinavian mythology, mentioned in the Elder Edda, Younger Edda and the Ynglinga Saga.. The name Skadi is found in the oldest Scandinavian place names, from this name comes name "Scandinavia". Skadi is Sarah, the daughter of Mary Magdalene. The name Skadi is a variation of the name Sarah.

More information about the connection between Christianity and Ancient Scandinavia here:

Most likely, the Russian army will first conquer three “invalids”: Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. The Russians will do this quickly, and immediately after that they will attack Scandinavia. Christians must carry out the Exodus from Scandinavia. The Russians will probably also attack Germany.
Better Check thoroughly the source of your so called predictions.