Sign: The Papacy Loses Everything

On December 17, 2023, lightning destroyed the blessing hand, key, and halo of the statue of St. Peter on the façade of the Church of Nuestra Señora del Rosario de San Nicolas, a sanctuary in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and a storm devastated the area.

This is a sign from God.

1. The event took place on the birthday of Pope Francis.
2. The event took place in the area where he was a church leader.
3. The event took place on the eve of the publication of the document Fiducia Supplicans, in which he allows the blessing of “homosexual couples”.

Lightning is an instrument of God. Through this symbolic action, God shows the world his decision about the popes, the successors of the Apostle Peter:

1. The destruction of the blessing hand means that God is taking away the primacy from the popes. The Apostle Peter was considered the chief among the apostles, and the popes, his successors, were considered the leaders of the Christian world. From now on, popes lose authority and power.
2. God takes away the symbolic key to heaven from the popes. From now on, popes lose the power to forgive sins.
3. God takes away the halo - the papacy loses its holiness.
4. Devastation of the area means that the followers of the papacy will suffer.

Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
According to this post, the conclusion is:
The destruction of the blessing hand means that God is taking away the primacy from the popes.
God takes away the symbolic key to heaven from the popes. From now on, popes lose the power to forgive sins.
3. God takes away the halo - the papacy loses its holiness.
4. Devastation of the area means that the followers of the papacy will suffer.
I think more,…More
According to this post, the conclusion is:

The destruction of the blessing hand means that God is taking away the primacy from the popes.
God takes away the symbolic key to heaven from the popes. From now on, popes lose the power to forgive sins.
3. God takes away the halo - the papacy loses its holiness.
4. Devastation of the area means that the followers of the papacy will suffer.

I think more, this not the office of the Papacy itself, but of the present occupant, Pope Francis. He is the evil that these signs from God are directed at, not the office itself.
If Pope Francis is stupid enough not to see this as a sign of God's displeasure and outrage at his Papacy, and he does not resign and atone for his destruction of the Church, then he truely is evil, and these signs from God meant for him are totally deserved and are a warning against those also, who follow Pope Francis on his evil path.
Bogdan Georgievich Lisitsa
Can't you see that the destruction of the world is happening since 2020? And the papacy is one of the foundations of this world. God will soon destroy all foundations, including the papacy, and the entire world. And then a new era, the Millennium, will begin. Everything old will forever remain in the past, including the papacy. There will soon be a wonderful life for God's people.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@Bogdan Georgievich Lisitsa -Thank you. I believe it what you say, but not at this time. I just think Pope Francis is evil and it was meant for him. Almost like God saying "Change your ways, or you will be sorry". What you say reminds me of what fundamentalist evangelical Protestants preach, something called "The Rapture" which I don't believe in either......that the elect will suddenly disappear …More
@Bogdan Georgievich Lisitsa -Thank you. I believe it what you say, but not at this time. I just think Pope Francis is evil and it was meant for him. Almost like God saying "Change your ways, or you will be sorry". What you say reminds me of what fundamentalist evangelical Protestants preach, something called "The Rapture" which I don't believe in either......that the elect will suddenly disappear from the earth and go to Heaven, and the rest will be on a changed a NWO type earth. Sorry, but i don't believe that either,
Bogdan Georgievich Lisitsa
Rapture is false teaching. Israel was the people of God, the time of David and Solomon is the golden age of Ancient Israel. But Israel rejected the Covenant with Jesus Christ, so God rejected Israel. Christianity became the new people of God. God cut down the dry tree - Israel. A new tree grew from this root - Christianity, which in 2000 years almost completely repeated the history of Ancient Israel …More
Rapture is false teaching. Israel was the people of God, the time of David and Solomon is the golden age of Ancient Israel. But Israel rejected the Covenant with Jesus Christ, so God rejected Israel. Christianity became the new people of God. God cut down the dry tree - Israel. A new tree grew from this root - Christianity, which in 2000 years almost completely repeated the history of Ancient Israel. Vladimir the Great is the David of the Christian era, and Yaroslav the Wise is the Solomon of the Christian era. There will be a restoration of the kingdom of David / Solomon and the kingdom of Vladimir the Great / Yaroslav the Wise. The Messiah is a descendant of David/Solomon and Vladimir the Great/Yaroslav the Wise. Revelation 12 is a prediction of the birth of the Messiah. The Millennium is the result of both Ancient Israel and Christianity.