Nostradamus' predictions about the war in Ukraine

Michel Nostradamus is one of the greatest predictors. Some of his texts predicted current events in Ukraine: Yanukovych will run away, there will be a war in Ukraine, Zelensky will also try to flee.

Century VIII:15

Vers Aquilon grands efforts par hommasse
Presque l'Europe & l'vniuers vexer,
Les deux eclypses mettra en telle chasse,
Et aux Pannons vie & mort renforcer.


Great exertions towards the North by a woman who looks like a man
The woman will disturb all of Europe and almost the whole world
The woman will give a big chase to two fugitives
That they will reinforce life or death for the Hungarians.

A masculine woman is Ukraine. In ancient times, Ukraine was a country of Amazons, Sarmatians, and female warriors. The main feature of Sarmatian society was the elevation of women.

Aquilon (North) is always Moscow or Russia / USSR in the texts of Nostradamus.

Ukraine is making great efforts in the fight against Aquilon - this is a confrontation between Ukraine and Russia.

2004 – 2005 – initial stage, Orange Revolution.

2013 – 2014 – a new level, a coup in Ukraine.

2014 – February 23, 2022 – a new level, the clash between Ukraine and Russia over Crimea and the war in Donbass.

February 24, 2022 - the current stage began, the war between Ukraine and Russia reached an even higher level.

With each increase in the stakes in the global game, Ukraine became more and more alarming to the world. Ukraine was in the center of attention of the whole world, in world news reports they talked a lot about Ukraine, which disturbed Europe and the whole world.

The big chase for the two fugitives is the chase for the Presidents of Ukraine, Yanukovych and Zelensky. Yanukovych has already fled, and Zelensky will soon attempt to escape.

Nostradamus especially highlights Panonia in the context of events in Ukraine. Pannonia is modern Hungary. Hungary has always stood apart and its position has always differed from the position of the rest of Europe regarding Ukraine. Hungary is Ukraine’s first enemy in Europe. Recently there was a change of power in Slovakia, Robert Fico came to power. This country followed Hungary and became an enemy of Ukraine. Also, Poland is currently changing its attitude towards Ukraine and will soon join Hungary and Slovakia. This trend will continue, and soon all European countries will follow Hungary and betray Ukraine.

Century IV:13

De plus grand perte nouuelles rapportees,
Le rapport fait le camp s'eslongnera :
Bendes vnies encontre reuoltees,
Double phalange grand abandonnera.


News of the greater loss reported,
The report will astonish the army:
Gangs united against the revolted:
The double phalanx will abandon the great one.

The big loss is the loss of Avdeevka, a large city in the Donbass that Ukraine currently owns and Russia wants to take.

The double phalanx will abandon the great one – two Ukrainian armies will leave Avdeevka.

“Great” is Avdeevka. The name Avdeevka comes from the name Obadiah, meaning “Father Zeus”. Oba is the ancient word "Abba" meaning father. Diah is a variation of the name Zeus, close to the variations Día, Diós, Dií. Zeus is the Supreme God of the Ancient World, which is why Nostradamus calls the city that bears his name Great.

During fierce fighting, Ukraine lost Mariupol, Soledar, Bakhmut and other cities. At the same time, hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians died. Soon Ukraine will also lose Avdeevka, and the news of this will cause a shock among the Ukrainian army.

This quatrain is an interpretation of the previous one. We can conclude that the loss of Avdeevka will cause an uprising of the Ukrainian army against Zelensky. Soon the Ukrainian army will leave for Kiev, and Zelensky and his people will flee Ukraine. More precisely, they will try to flee...

Gangs. In the original text: Bendes. This is an Old French word, which corresponds to the modern French word "les bandes" (gangs). Gangs are criminal communities in Ukraine. They will speak out in defense of Zelensky and against the military.