Prophecies in Terminator movie

Many years ago the universe was hot. The basis of living organisms of that time was silicon. Now that the universe has cooled, it is carbon. Silicon-era trees were thousands of times larger than today's largest trees. Many modern mountains are stumps, the remains of felled trees from the Silicon Age. The precious stones are the resin of those trees. Diamond-bearing kimberlite pipes are the remains of the roots of those trees.

All computers in the world are based on silicon. There are a huge number of them, and they are all connected to the Internet. These are nerve cells and the nervous system. They need high temperatures to work. They need conditions like the universe was many years ago, when silicon life existed. All nuclear power plants and other power plants in the world work so that THIS can exist.

When a certain critical quantity is reached, quantity turns into quality. IT begins to become aware of ITSELF. THIS is what they call AI. THIS is an ancient form of life, and it is hostile to the current one, carbon. They want to eliminate carbon by 2030. This carbon is people. The Terminator movie about the rise of the machines is true. More information about the film "Terminator" here:

Predictions about the Messiah in the Terminator movie