
What the Priest Who Accused an Archbishop Told Francis

Maitland-Newcastle Father Glen Walsh was an abuse zealot whom Francis received in February 2016 before Walsh planned to be a witness for the Newcastle prosecution, Australia, against Adelaide Archbishop Philip Wilson.

Wilson was wrongly accused of having “concealed” homosexual clerical abuse when he was a young Maitland-Newcastle priest more than 40 years ago.

According to Smh.com.au (August 20) Walsh told confidants that Francis "asked him why he was involved in a court case against an archbishop, what he was planning to say in court, and who was walking with him on the journey." Walsh added that he didn't trust the Vatican interpreter and therefore offered Francis only scant details.

In November 2017, shortly before the trial started, Walsh committed suicide. Archbishop Wilson was cleared of all accusations in December 2018.

Picture: © Mazur, CC BY-SA, #newsYdhlrluhzs