
Russian Orthodox Soon to Excommunicate Francis’ Friend Bartholomew

Moscow Patriarch Kirill called the recognition of Ukraine’s Filaret group by Constantinople Patriarch Bartholomew on September 27 an “unlawful, anti-canonical and senseless invasion” into Ukraine (Patriarchia.ru, September 27).

Kirill added that “I know Patriarch Bartholomew only too well - probably, he was guided not by his own reason and not by his own will.” However, Kirill rejected the allegations that because of external pressure Bartholomew could not act otherwise: “How did we managed to act otherwise when living in an atheistic state?”

“Among Patriarchs of Constantinople, there were martyrs and confessors,” Kirill stressed.

He expressed his distress that Bartholomew “has lapsed into schism” by taking communion together with “schismatics” and “self-ordained clergy who do not have lawful consecration by canonical hierarchs.”

The November Council of Russian Orthodox Bishops is expected to formally excommunicate Bartholomew.

Picture: Kirill I, Bartolomew I © wicicommons, CC BY-SA, #newsFyquauwyjb