
Saint Paul Addresses The Synod of Bishops

My dear Brothers in Christ,

It is not unusual for people of a certain epoch to assume that in their time the culture has deteriorated to such a degree and at so swift a pace that it must be unique in history. Many of you look about your diocese and see premarital sex, co-habitation, contraception, divorce, the collapse of the family, and various other sins, including something ludicrously named homosexual “marriage.”

However, I can assure you, in the words of Ecclesiastes, “There is nothing new under the sun.”

Trust me when I tell you that, in my day, every possible perversion was practiced by the pagans. And not only practiced, but some were elevated to the status of “religion.” Who has not heard of “temple prostitutes”?

But God had chosen me to preach the Gospel to those same pagans, and so I and my colleagues were faced with two choices: We could try to accommodate those who practiced unchaste behavior, seeing what “gifts” they could bring to the Church, or we could convert them to a life of sexual purity, and, by doing so, save their souls. I assume you know that we chose the second alternative and, in the process, changed the world.

And so, my Brothers, I would like to remind you how I and other preachers of God’s word dealt with the pagan practices of our day.
