Krystian N.

Homosexuality Is Part of Jewish Tradition

The article from the Jewish newspaper Haaretz dated 2015. Contrary to the common perception, intimate relations between people of the same sex did not always have a negative image in Jewish communities. …More
The article from the Jewish newspaper Haaretz dated 2015.
Contrary to the common perception, intimate relations between people of the same sex did not always have a negative image in Jewish communities.
On July 7, 1971, Haaretz published an opinion piece (in Hebrew) entitled “Israel or Sodom: Public condoning of sexual perversions – a grave matter.” The author, Eliezer Livneh (Liebenstein), was a former Knesset member from Mapai (precursor of today’s Labor Party) who become one of the main ideologists of the Greater Land of Israel movement. He wrote in response to calls at the time to cancel the sodomy law (which was ultimately cancelled only in 1988, thanks to Shulamit Aloni).
Livneh was neither ultra-Orthodox nor Orthodox, but rather a Jewish nationalist, yet his main argument was that homosexuality is foreign to Judaism, constitutes a foreign influence by degenerate Western culture and should be combatted.
In the op-ed he claimed that for hundreds of years Jews in the Diaspora succeeded …More
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John A Cassani
The article became kind of disgusting, as discussions of this topic tend to. Jews have, from pretty early on, had those who were guilty of this horrible vice. Otherwise, we would not see such condemnation of it in both Testaments. But, so has every other society had it’s struggles with it. But, celebrating sodomites as an exalted race is something of modern secular atheism, and many modern secular …More
The article became kind of disgusting, as discussions of this topic tend to. Jews have, from pretty early on, had those who were guilty of this horrible vice. Otherwise, we would not see such condemnation of it in both Testaments. But, so has every other society had it’s struggles with it. But, celebrating sodomites as an exalted race is something of modern secular atheism, and many modern secular atheists are Jews, with plenty of “catholics” sprinkled in. “Gays” have only really existed since the middle of the last century, or so. Sodomites have polluted practically every time and place.