
Homosex Regimes: Tears for Vatican Chargé d'Affaires

Monsignor Marcel Diouf, the Vatican's chargé d'affaires, has left Nicaragua.

In an interview, imbalanced dictator Francis had ranted that the Nicaraguan government was a "Hitlerian dictatorship" whose president was suffering from "an imbalance". The government subsequently suspended diplomatic relations with him.

Monsignor Diouf was given a tearful farewell by diplomats from some of the world's most decadent regimes, including the European Union, Germany, France, and Italy.

According to Confidencial.Digital (March 17), the German ambassador, Christoph Bundscherer, had the audacity to say that he and the EU representatives would always defend the “Christian values of freedom, tolerance and human dignity” (sic).

In reality, these regimes stand for homosexualism, suppression of free speech, the persecution the political opposition, distruction of the family, and the promotion of war and abortion.

Picture: © UE, CC BY-SA, #newsCxtsyhfcjv