Obama, Biden promote homosexual agenda at African summit

Neither the Ebola outbreak nor the ongoing Boko Haram crisis in Nigeria prevented U.S. President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden from raising the issue of homosexuality during last week’s U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit in Washington. The American leaders, along with other current and former Obama administration officials, capitalized on economic concerns to encourage African leaders to expand legal protections and privileges for homosexuals and call for cultural acceptance of homosexuality.
Asked repeatedly by African leaders what the continent’s largely war-torn, impoverished nations can do to promote economic growth and development, Obama and Biden both said African countries need to make themselves more gay-friendly if they want to attract more aid, talent, and investment from Western nations.
“There are certain common ingredients to success in the 21st century that have become self-evident,” Vice President Biden said in a speech August 5. “The need for economic integration; a court system that adjudicates disputes fairly. A commitment to invest in all of a society’s people and respect their rights, because countries that respect citizens’ equal rights no matter what their gender or religion, no matter who they love, tend to be the … most attractive to attracting international talent and international investment.”

During a Q&A session, President Obama recommended that government leaders and business leaders alike model themselves on the open-mindedness of the West when it comes to homosexuality.

Fiel al Evangelio
Prof. Leonard Wessell
By their deeds you shall know them. Also by their non-deeds, you may even learn more about them. Who is "them". "Them" is in the case of promotion of homosexuality the authorities in the Catholic Church who should discipline Vice Pres. Biden. If Biden takes communion and the Church remians silent, I see myself forced to take that to be a non-deed that reveals the "real" beliefs of Church prelates.…More
By their deeds you shall know them. Also by their non-deeds, you may even learn more about them. Who is "them". "Them" is in the case of promotion of homosexuality the authorities in the Catholic Church who should discipline Vice Pres. Biden. If Biden takes communion and the Church remians silent, I see myself forced to take that to be a non-deed that reveals the "real" beliefs of Church prelates. I hope to hear a peep or two, though thundeous homilies are in order. It is distaste, but the sensing is there in me that the so-called homosexual lobby in the Church is no longer just a lobby. I am scandalized. And I expect prelates to be so too. If not, there is incompatiblity between myself and quite prelates, so much so that I must doubt sharing anything other than the name "Cathoic", smoke without fire.